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Роберт Ли Фрост (Robert Lee Frost) (1874-1963)
Robert Lee Frost (Роберт Ли Фрост) (1874-1963)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Остановка зимним вечером у лесаStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
  2. Зимний райA Winter Eden
  3. Огонь и лёдFire and Ice
  4. Смерть батракаThe Death of the Hired Man
  5. В лиственном лесуIn Hardwood Groves
  6. БерёзыBirches
  7. Войди!Come in
  8. После сбора яблокAfter Apple-Picking
  9. УказаниеDirective
  10. Починка стеныMending Wall
  11. ПастбищеThe Pasture
  12. October
  13. Acquainted with the Night
  14. Другая дорога The Road Not Taken
  15. A Prayer in Spring
  16. Птаха минорA Minor Bird
  17. Nothing Gold Can Stay
  18. Waiting
  19. A Soldier
  20. Stars
  21. Ghost House
  22. Лягушачий ручейHyla Brook
  23. Devotion
  24. A Question
  25. A Late Walk
  26. Desert Places
  27. A Time to Talk
  28. Dust of Snow
  29. Blue-Butterfly Day
  30. Snow
  31. The Census-Taker
  32. Going for Water
  33. Evening in a Sugar Orchard
  34. The Kitchen Chimney
  35. A Boundless Moment
  36. A Patch of Old Snow
  37. The Lockless Door
  38. Atmosphere
  39. Never Again Would Bird’s Song Be the Same
  40. Good Hours
  41. A Dream Pang
  42. An Old Man’s Winter Night
  43. The Aim Was Song
  44. The Runaway
  45. Home Burial
  46. The Freedom of the Moon
  47. Dust in the Eyes
  48. An Encounter
  49. Tree at My Window
  50. Two Tramps in Mud Time
  51. Blueberries
  52. Spring Pools
  53. On Going Unnoticed
  54. Облачная теньA Cloud Shadow
  55. A Passing Glimpse
  56. Gathering Leaves
  57. Reluctance
  58. Range-Finding
  59. The Vantage Point
  60. Wind and Window Flower
  61. In a Disused Graveyard
  62. A Line-Storm Song
  63. The Oven Bird
  64. A Brook in the City
  65. The Rose Family
  66. The Span of Life
  67. Looking for a Sunset Bird in Winter
  68. Rose Pogonias
  69. The Armful
  70. The Thatch
  71. Locked out
  72. Asking For Roses
  73. A Hundred Collars
  74. ’Out, Out--’
  75. Misgiving
  76. In Neglect
  77. Pea Brush
  78. Putting in the Seed
  79. The Mountain
  80. The Flower Boat
  81. Provide, Provide
  82. They Were Welcome to Their Belief
  83. The Telephone
  84. Good-by and Keep Cold
  85. Riders
  86. Meeting and Passing
  87. Canis Major
  88. Sitting by a Bush in Broad Sunlight
  89. New Hampshire
  90. The Demiurge’s Laugh
  91. Place for a Third
  92. Wild Grapes
  93. Love and a Question
  94. Christmas Trees
  95. Bereft
  96. Flower-Gathering
  97. The Last Mowing
  98. The Code
  99. A Fountain, a Bottle, a Donkey’s Ears, and Some Books
  100. Design
  101. The Line-Gang
  102. The Black Cottage
  103. Sand Dunes
  104. Brown’s Descent
  105. But Outer Space
  106. The Star-Splitter
  107. The Vanishing Red
  108. My Butterfly
  109. The Gum-Gatherer
  110. One Step Backward Taken
  111. The Last Word of a Blue Bird
  112. The Need of Being Versed in Country Things
  113. For Once, Then, Something
  114. The Tuft of Flowers
  115. A Peck of Gold
  116. The Sound of the Trees
  117. Neither out Far Nor in Deep
  118. Mowing
  119. The Birthplace
  120. The Flood
  121. On Looking up by Chance at the Constellations
  122. Not to Keep
  123. The Fear
  124. The Bear
  125. Once by the Pacific
  126. Immigrants
  127. I Will Sing You One-O
  128. The Exposed Nest
  129. The Hill Wife
  130. Two Look at Two
  131. To E.T.
  132. Storm Fear
  133. The Trial by Existence
  134. An Empty Threat
  135. Into My Own
  136. Fireflies in the Garden
  137. The Investment
  138. The Self-Seeker
  139. Leaves Compared with Flowers
  140. Revelation
  141. The Housekeeper
  142. In the Home Stretch
  143. What Fifty Said
  144. Acceptance
  145. To the Thawing Wind
  146. Our Singing Strength
  147. The Ax-Helve
  148. My November Guest
  149. The Cow in Apple-Time
  150. Pan with Us
  151. A Servant to Servants
  152. The Egg and the Machine
  153. A Hillside Thaw
  154. A Star in a Stoneboat
  155. The Valley’s Singing Day
  156. The Silken Tent
  157. A Girl’s Garden
  158. The Door in the Dark
  159. On a Tree Fallen Across the Road
  160. Hannibal
  161. Now Close the Windows
  162. To Earthward
  163. Bond and Free
  164. Lodged
  165. Paul’s Wife
  166. The Onset
  167. The Peaceful Shepherd
  168. The Times Table
  169. A Cliff Dwelling
  170. In a Vale
  171. The Bonfire
  172. Plowmen
  173. The Grindstone
  174. Fragmentary Blue
  175. The Wood-Pile
  176. The Pauper Witch of Grafton
  177. The Cocoon
  178. The Generations of Men
  179. Maple

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