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Кристина Джорджина Россетти (Christina Georgina Rossetti) (1830-1894)
Кристина Джорджина Россетти (Christina Georgina Rossetti)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Когда я умруWhen I Am Dead, My Dearest
  2. ПомниRemember
  3. Clouds
  4. Let Me Go
  5. Алмаз и уголёкA Diamond or a Coal?
  6. Christmas Eve
  7. РадугаBoats Sail on the Rivers
  8. Что нам принесла пчела?What Does the Bee Do?
  9. ЗвёздыWhat Do the Stars Do
  10. Goblin Market
  11. ЛасточкаFly Away, Fly Away Over the Sea
  12. Счастливая ЭллиDancing on the Hill-Tops
  13. Spring
  14. Что это такое?There Is One That Has a Head without an Eye
  15. Christmas Day
  16. Рыбки вдруг раскрыли зонтWhen Fishes Set Umbrellas up
  17. Хряк-джентльменIf a Pig Wore a Wig
  18. ДубA Toadstool Comes up in a Night
  19. Winter Rain
  20. The Summer Nights Are Short
  21. КораллA Sailor, Come Ashore
  22. A Chilly Night
  23. A Dream
  24. An October Garden
  25. Blind From My Birth
  26. Кто видел ветер?Who Has Seen the Wind?
  27. The Poor Ghost
  28. How Many Seconds In A Minute?
  29. Dream Land
  30. Who Shall Deliver Me?
  31. A Daughter of Eve
  32. Last Night
  33. A Christmas Carol
  34. Three Seasons
  35. My Friend
  36. I Loved You First: But Afterwards Your Love
  37. Echo
  38. Sound Sleep
  39. A Birthday
  40. A Baby's Cradle With No Baby In It
  41. Ferry Me Across The Water
  42. Amen
  43. Vanity Of Vanities
  44. Cousin Kate
  45. What Will You Give Me For My Pound?
  46. The World
  47. The Rose With Such A Bonny Blush
  48. To My Mother
  49. Mirage
  50. January Cold Desolate
  51. A Royal Princess
  52. A Year’s Windfalls
  53. The Lily Has A Smooth Stalk
  54. Memory
  55. Your Brother Has A Falcon
  56. I Have A Poll Parrot
  57. The Skylark
  58. From Sunset to Star Rise
  59. After Death
  60. Sleeping at Last
  61. A Ballad of Boding
  62. Color
  63. Baby Lies So Fast Asleep
  64. Repining
  65. Uphill
  66. Eve
  67. Twilight Night
  68. Brownie, Brownie, Let Down Your Milk
  69. Sweet Death
  70. Brown And Furry
  71. Hear What The Mournful Linnets Say
  72. Winter: My Secret
  73. A Summer Wish
  74. There's Snow On The Fields
  75. Lady Maggie
  76. A Pause
  77. Old and New Year Ditties
  78. Introspective
  79. Herself A Rose Who Bore The Rose
  80. No, Thank You John
  81. The One Certainty
  82. A Hope Carol
  83. Maiden May
  84. I Am A King
  85. Under The Ivy Bush
  86. A Testimony
  87. The Convent Threshold
  88. Dead Hope
  89. Come Unto Me
  90. What Does The Donkey Bray About?
  91. Once For All
  92. Rosy Maiden Winifred
  93. Twice
  94. I Caught a Little Ladybird
  95. A Better Ressurection
  96. Three Little Children
  97. Fluttered Wings

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