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Christina Georgina Rossetti (Кристина Джорджина Россетти)


As rivers seek the sea,
  Much more deep than they,
So my soul seeks thee
  Far away:
As running rivers moan
On their course alone
  So I moan
  Left alone.

As the delicate rose
  To the sun's sweet strength
Doth herself unclose,
  Breadth and length:
So spreads my heart to thee
Unveiled utterly,
  I to thee

As morning dew exhales
  Sunwards pure and free,
So my spirit fails
  After thee:
As dew leaves not a trace
On the green earth's face;
  I, no trace
  On thy face.

Its goal the river knows,
  Dewdrops find a way,
Sunlight cheers the rose
  In her day:
Shall I, lone sorrow past,
Find thee at the last?
  Sorrow past,
  Thee at last?

Christina Georgina Rossetti's other poems:
  1. Noble Sisters
  2. At Home
  3. Love from the North
  4. The Lambs of Grasmere, 1860
  5. In the Round Tower at Jhansi, June 8, 1857

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