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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

John Davidson (Джон Дэвидсон)


THE boat is chafing at our long delay,
   And we must leave too soon
The spicy sea-pinks and the inborne spray,
   The tawny sands, the moon.

Keep us, O Thetis, in our western flight!
   Watch from thy pearly throne
Our vessel, plunging deeper into night
   To reach a land unknown. 

John Davidson's other poems:
  1. A Northern Suburb
  2. Kinnoull Hill
  3. Song of a Train
  4. A Cinque Port
  5. To the Generation Knocking at the Door

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Percy Shelley (Перси Шелли) Song ("Rarely, rarely, comest thou")
  • Samuel Johnson (Сэмюэл Джонсон) Song ("Not the soft sighs of vernal gales")
  • Charlotte Mew (Шарлотта Мью) Song ("Love love to-day, my dear")
  • Bryan Procter (Брайан Проктер) Song ("Here's a health to thee, Mary")
  • George Crabbe (Джордж Крэбб) Song ("Cease to bid me not to sing")
  • Mary Montagu (Мэри Монтегю) Song ("How happy is the harden'd heart")
  • George Etherege (Джордж Этеридж) Song ("LADIES, though to your conquering eyes")
  • Edith Nesbit (Эдит Несбит) Song ("NOW the Spring is waking")
  • Mary Chudleigh (Мэри Чадли) Song ("Why, Damon, why, why, why so pressing?")
  • Edgar Poe (Эдгар По) Song ("I saw thee on thy bridal day") 1827
  • Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Song ("Frosty lies the winter-landscape")
  • Amy Lowell (Эми Лоуэлл) Song ("Oh! To be a flower")
  • Bayard Taylor (Бейард Тейлор) Song ("NOW the days are brief and drear")
  • Isaac Bickerstaffe (Айзек Бикерстафф) Song ("How happy were my days, till now")
  • Hilaire Belloc (Хилар Беллок) Song ("Inviting the influence of a young lady upon the opening year")
  • George Lyttelton (Джордж Литтелтон) Song ("When Delia on the plain appears") 1732
  • Philip Massinger (Филип Мэссинджер) Song ("Why art thou slow, thou rest of trouble, Death")
  • Elinor Wylie (Элинор Уайли) Song ("It is my thoughts that colour")
  • Richard Sheridan (Ричард Шеридан) Song ("Here’s to the maiden of bashful fifteen")
  • Anna Seward (Анна Сьюард) Song ("FROM thy waves, stormy Llannon, I fly")
  • Aubrey De Vere (Обри Де Вер) Song ("HIS war-horse beats a distant bourne")
  • Maria Lowell (Мария Лоуэлл) Song ("O BIRD, thou dartest to the sun")
  • William Monkhouse (Уильям Монкхаус) Song ("WHO calls me bold because I won my love")
  • Ann Radcliffe (Анна Рэдклиф) Song ("Life's a varied, bright illusion")

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