Alexander Montgomerie (1545?-1598)
The Rating of Alexander Montgomerie's Poems - Sonnet 40. To his Maistres. II
- Sonnet 50. Of My Lady Seyton
- Sonnet 1. To the Blessed Trinity
- Sonnet 3. Of the Iniquitie of Man
- Sonnet 39. To his Maistres. I
- Sonnet 8. In Praise of His Majestie
- Sonnet 45. John Jhonsone - Jane Maxwell
- Sonnet 55. On his Maistres. II
- Sonnet 53. Go, Pen and Paper
- Sonnet 62. The Poets Apologie to the Kirk of Edinburgh
- Sonnet 56. On his Maistres. III
- Sonnet 20. To the Lords of the Session. III
- Sonnet 72. Epitaph of Johne and Patrik Shaues
- Sonnet 7. To His Majestie
- Sonnet 60. Of the Duleweid. II
- Sonnet 64. To His Majestie
- Sonnet 36. A Ladyis Lamentatione. IV
- Sonnet 21. To the Lords of the Session. IV
- Sonnet 5. To the Same (To M. Dauid Drummond)
- Sonnet 33. A Ladyis Lamentatione. I
- Sonnet 52. Love Lent Me Wings
- Sonnet 28. To R. Hudsone. IV
- Sonnet 48. To M. D. I
- Sonnet 44. Eufame Wemis
- Sonnet 69. The Old Maister
- Sonnet 2. Of the Works of God
- Sonnet 16. To His Majestie, for His Pensioun. III
- Sonnet 14. To His Majestie, for His Pensioun. I
- Sonnet 35. A Ladyis Lamentatione. III
- Sonnet 51. To The for Me
- Sonnet 32. To M. L. Ruthuen, Duches of Lennox
- Sonnet 13. In Praise of the Kings Vranie. IV
- Sonnet 59. Of the Duleweid. I
- Sonnet 38. “I wyt myne ee for vieuing of my wo…”
- Sonnet 47. To his Maistres Messane
- Sonnet 25. To R. Hudsone. I
- Sonnet 4. To M. Dauid Drummond
- Sonnet 41. To his Maistres. III
- Sonnet 26. To R. Hudsone. II
- Sonnet 42. James Lauder
- Sonnet 65. From London to W. Murray
- Sonnet 63. That He Wrot Not Aganste the Madins of Edinburgh
- Sonnet 43. Issobell Yong
- Sonnet 12. In Praise of the Kings Vranie. III
- Sonnet 49. To M. D. II
- Sonnet 9. In Praise of M. J. M., Chanceller
- Sonnet 68. Ladyland to Eyech. Montg
- Sonnet 58. Hou Long Sall I in Languishing Lament
- Sonnet 11. In Praise of the Kings Vranie. II
- Sonnet 15. To His Majestie, for His Pensioun. II
- Sonnet 67. Eyechiel Montg. Ansueir to Ladyland
- Sonnet 66. Ladyland to Cap. A. Montegomerie
- Sonnet 57. On his Maistres. IV
- Sonnet 17. To His Majestie, for His Pensioun. IV
- Sonnet 10. In Praise of the Kings Vranie. I
- Sonnet 22. To His Aduersars Lauyers
- Sonnet 34. A Ladyis Lamentatione. II
- Sonnet 6. To M. P. Galloway
- Sonnet 71. Epitaph of the Maister of Work, [Sir Robert] Drummond of Carnok, [Khight]
- Sonnet 37. “My plesuris past procures my present pain…”
- Sonnet 46. His Maistres Name
- Sonnet 70. Against the God of Love
- Sonnet 23. Of M. J. Sharpe. I
- Sonnet 24. Of M. J. Sharpe. II
- Sonnet 29. To R. Hudsone. V
- Sonnet 31. To M. J. Murray
- Sonnet 19. To the Lords of the Session. II
- Sonnet 54. On his Maistres. I
- Sonnet 27. To R. Hudsone. III
- Sonnet 61. Of the Duleweid. III
- Sonnet 18. To the Lords of the Session. I
- Sonnet 30. Christen Lyndesay to Ro. Hudsone
- The Cherrie and the Slae
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