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Alexander Montgomerie (1545?-1598)

The Rating of Alexander Montgomerie's Poems

  1. Sonnet 40. To his Maistres. II
  2. Sonnet 50. Of My Lady Seyton
  3. Sonnet 1. To the Blessed Trinity
  4. Sonnet 3. Of the Iniquitie of Man
  5. Sonnet 39. To his Maistres. I
  6. Sonnet 8. In Praise of His Majestie
  7. Sonnet 45. John Jhonsone - Jane Maxwell
  8. Sonnet 55. On his Maistres. II
  9. Sonnet 53. Go, Pen and Paper
  10. Sonnet 62. The Poets Apologie to the Kirk of Edinburgh
  11. Sonnet 56. On his Maistres. III
  12. Sonnet 20. To the Lords of the Session. III
  13. Sonnet 72. Epitaph of Johne and Patrik Shaues
  14. Sonnet 7. To His Majestie
  15. Sonnet 60. Of the Duleweid. II
  16. Sonnet 64. To His Majestie
  17. Sonnet 36. A Ladyis Lamentatione. IV
  18. Sonnet 21. To the Lords of the Session. IV
  19. Sonnet 5. To the Same (To M. Dauid Drummond)
  20. Sonnet 33. A Ladyis Lamentatione. I
  21. Sonnet 52. Love Lent Me Wings
  22. Sonnet 28. To R. Hudsone. IV
  23. Sonnet 48. To M. D. I
  24. Sonnet 44. Eufame Wemis
  25. Sonnet 69. The Old Maister
  26. Sonnet 2. Of the Works of God
  27. Sonnet 16. To His Majestie, for His Pensioun. III
  28. Sonnet 14. To His Majestie, for His Pensioun. I
  29. Sonnet 35. A Ladyis Lamentatione. III
  30. Sonnet 51. To The for Me
  31. Sonnet 32. To M. L. Ruthuen, Duches of Lennox
  32. Sonnet 13. In Praise of the Kings Vranie. IV
  33. Sonnet 59. Of the Duleweid. I
  34. Sonnet 38. “I wyt myne ee for vieuing of my wo…”
  35. Sonnet 47. To his Maistres Messane
  36. Sonnet 25. To R. Hudsone. I
  37. Sonnet 4. To M. Dauid Drummond
  38. Sonnet 41. To his Maistres. III
  39. Sonnet 26. To R. Hudsone. II
  40. Sonnet 42. James Lauder
  41. Sonnet 65. From London to W. Murray
  42. Sonnet 63. That He Wrot Not Aganste the Madins of Edinburgh
  43. Sonnet 43. Issobell Yong
  44. Sonnet 12. In Praise of the Kings Vranie. III
  45. Sonnet 49. To M. D. II
  46. Sonnet 9. In Praise of M. J. M., Chanceller
  47. Sonnet 68. Ladyland to Eyech. Montg
  48. Sonnet 58. Hou Long Sall I in Languishing Lament
  49. Sonnet 11. In Praise of the Kings Vranie. II
  50. Sonnet 15. To His Majestie, for His Pensioun. II
  51. Sonnet 67. Eyechiel Montg. Ansueir to Ladyland
  52. Sonnet 66. Ladyland to Cap. A. Montegomerie
  53. Sonnet 57. On his Maistres. IV
  54. Sonnet 17. To His Majestie, for His Pensioun. IV
  55. Sonnet 10. In Praise of the Kings Vranie. I
  56. Sonnet 22. To His Aduersars Lauyers
  57. Sonnet 34. A Ladyis Lamentatione. II
  58. Sonnet 6. To M. P. Galloway
  59. Sonnet 71. Epitaph of the Maister of Work, [Sir Robert] Drummond of Carnok, [Khight]
  60. Sonnet 37. “My plesuris past procures my present pain…”
  61. Sonnet 46. His Maistres Name
  62. Sonnet 70. Against the God of Love
  63. Sonnet 23. Of M. J. Sharpe. I
  64. Sonnet 24. Of M. J. Sharpe. II
  65. Sonnet 29. To R. Hudsone. V
  66. Sonnet 31. To M. J. Murray
  67. Sonnet 19. To the Lords of the Session. II
  68. Sonnet 54. On his Maistres. I
  69. Sonnet 27. To R. Hudsone. III
  70. Sonnet 61. Of the Duleweid. III
  71. Sonnet 18. To the Lords of the Session. I
  72. Sonnet 30. Christen Lyndesay to Ro. Hudsone
  73. The Cherrie and the Slae

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