English Poetry. The Rating of Poems - Sonnet 130. My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun (William Shakespeare)
- Ozymandias (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- If (Rudyard Kipling)
- Daffodils (William Wordsworth)
- Ode to a Nightingale (John Keats)
- The King's Breakfast (Alan Alexander Milne)
- My Heart's in the Highlands (Robert Burns)
- A Red, Red Rose (Robert Burns)
- The Lovers’ Litany (Rudyard Kipling)
- Songs of Experience. The Tyger (William Blake)
- Sonnet 66. Tired with all these for restful death I cry (William Shakespeare)
- Echoes. 4. Invictus (William Ernest Henley)
- Jabberwocky (Lewis Carroll)
- Songs of Experience. A Poison Tree (William Blake)
- Sonnet 141. In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes (William Shakespeare)
- Sonnet 18. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (William Shakespeare)
- Sonnet 116. Let me not to the marriage of true minds (William Shakespeare)
- Disobedience (Alan Alexander Milne)
- Heather Ale (Robert Louis Stevenson)
- I Am (John Clare)
- Those Evening Bells (Thomas Moore)
- Ode to the West Wind (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Sonnet 90. Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, now (William Shakespeare)
- The Lotos-Eaters (Alfred Tennyson)
- Darkness (George Gordon Byron)
- A Man's a Man for A' That (Robert Burns)
- Auguries of Innocence (William Blake)
- A Thing of Beauty (Endymion) (John Keats)
- Sonnet 50. How heavy do I journey on the way (William Shakespeare)
- The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (Christopher Marlowe)
- Love's Philosophy (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Ode to Autumn (John Keats)
- «Epitaphs of the War». 1914-1918. 16. The Refined Man (Rudyard Kipling)
- Cape Breton (Elizabeth Bishop)
- Love and Death (George Gordon Byron)
- Hebrew Melodies 1. She Walks in Beauty (George Gordon Byron)
- The Raven (Edgar Allan Poe)
- Waiting At The Window (Alan Alexander Milne)
- The Dream (George Gordon Byron)
- Hebrew Melodies 9. My Soul Is Dark (George Gordon Byron)
- The Lady of Shalott (Alfred Tennyson)
- The Idiot Boy (William Wordsworth)
- Sonnet 23. As an unperfect actor on the stage (William Shakespeare)
- Chapter Headings. «I've Never Sailed the Amazon...» (Rudyard Kipling)
- The Gipsy Trail (Rudyard Kipling)
- Lines Written in Early Spring (William Wordsworth)
- The Cloud (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- On the Grasshopper and Cricket (John Keats)
- Songs of Innocence. Night (William Blake)
- We Are Seven (William Wordsworth)
- Song (How sweet I roam'd from field to field) (William Blake)
- Summer and Winter (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Remembrance (George Gordon Byron)
- Sonnet 27. Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed (William Shakespeare)
- A Child's Garden of Verses. Garden Days. 6. Autumn Fires (Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Good-Night (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Songs of Innocence. Spring (William Blake)
- The Vampire (Rudyard Kipling)
- Bright Star (John Keats)
- When You Are Old (William Butler Yeats)
- Wind on the Hill (Alan Alexander Milne)
- God's Judgment on a Wicked Bishop (Robert Southey)
- When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be (John Keats)
- The Flea (John Donne)
- Life (Charlotte Bront¸)
- Sonnet 1. From fairest creatures we desire increase (William Shakespeare)
- On the Sea (John Keats)
- Ode on a Grecian Urn (John Keats)
- A Child's Garden of Verses. 1. Bed in Summer (Robert Louis Stevenson)
- The Sensitive Plant (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Tails (Alan Alexander Milne)
- Sonnet 102. My love is strengthened though more weak in seeming (William Shakespeare)
- The White Man's Burden (Rudyard Kipling)
- Ulysses (Alfred Tennyson)
- The Smile (William Blake)
- Sonnet 54. O how much more doth beauty beauteous seem (William Shakespeare)
- Windsor Forest (Alexander Pope)
- Nora's Vow (Walter Scott)
- Mad Song (William Blake)
- Sonnet 76. Why is my verse so barren of new pride? (William Shakespeare)
- Lucy Gray, or Solitude (William Wordsworth)
- The First Kiss at Parting (Robert Burns)
- Auld Lang Syne (Robert Burns)
- The Thorn (William Wordsworth)
- The Human Seasons (John Keats)
- Songs of Experience. The Garden of Love (William Blake)
- A Dream within a Dream (Edgar Allan Poe)
- Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte (George Gordon Byron)
- Annabel Lee (Edgar Allan Poe)
- Sonnet 91. Some glory in their birth, some in their skill (William Shakespeare)
- The Last of the Flock (William Wordsworth)
- The Eve of St. John (Walter Scott)
- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (Thomas Stearns Eliot)
- Politeness (Alan Alexander Milne)
- The Violet (Walter Scott)
- To Spring (William Blake)
- Songs of Innocence. Infant Joy (William Blake)
- Sonnet (Lift Not The Painted Veil Which Those Who Live..) (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Mutability (We are as clouds that veil the midnight moon) (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
- Prometheus (George Gordon Byron)
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