Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Romantic poets

Poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley - A Bridal Song
- A Dirge
- A Hate-Song
- A Lament
- A New National Anthem
- A Roman's Chamber
- A Summer Evening Churchyard, Lechlade, Gloucestershire
- A Vision of the Sea
- “A Widow Bird Sate Mourning for Her Love”
- Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats
- “Alas! This Is Not What I Thought Life Was”
- An Allegory
- An Exhortation
- An Ode, Written October, 1819, before the Spaniards had Recovered their Liberty
- Arethusa
- Autumn: A Dirge
- Bereavement
- Death (Death is here and death is there)
- Death (They die - the dead return not - Misery)
- Dirge for the Year
- England in 1819
- Epitaph
- Evening
- “Faint With Love, The Lady Of The South”
- Feelings of a Republican on the Fall of Bonaparte
- Fiordispina
- From the Arabic, an Imitation
- Ginevra
- Good-Night
- Homer's Hymn to Minerva
- Hymn of Apollo
- Hymn of Pan
- Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
- “I Faint, I Perish With My Love!”
- “I Would Not Be A King”
- Invocation To Misery
- Letter To Maria Gisborne
- Liberty
- Lines (Far, far away, O ye)
- Lines (That time is dead for ever)
- Lines (The cold earth slept below)
- Lines To A Critic
- Lines to a Reviewer
- Lines Written During The Castlereagh Administration
- Lines Written in the Bay of Lerici
- Lines Written on Hearing the News of the Death of Napoleon
- Love's Philosophy
- Love, Hope, Desire, and Fear
- Matilda Gathering Flowers
- Mighty Eagle
- Milton's Spirit
- Mont Blanc
- Music
- Mutability (The flower that smiles to-day)
- Mutability (We are as clouds that veil the midnight moon)
- Ode to a Skylark
- Ode to Liberty
- Ode to Naples
- Ode to the West Wind
- On a Faded Violet
- On Death
- On Fanny Godwin
- On Keats, Who Desired That On His Tomb Should Be Inscribed
- On the Medusa of Leonardo Da Vinci in the Florentine Gallery
- “One Word Is Too Often Profaned”
- Orpheus
- Otho
- Ozymandias
- Passage of the Apennines
- Political Greatness
- Remembrance
- Satan Broken Loose
- Similes For Two Political Characters Of 1819
- Song for «Tasso»
- Song Of Proserpine
- Song
- Sonnet (Lift Not The Painted Veil Which Those Who Live..)
- Sonnet To Byron
- Sonnet
- Stanza, Written At Bracknell
- Stanza
- Stanzas Written in Dejection, near Naples
- Stanzas
- Summer and Winter
- The Aziola
- The Birth of Pleasure
- The Cloud
- The Devil's Walk
- The False Laurel and the True
- “The Fitful Alternations of the Rain”
- The Fugitives
- The Indian Serenade
- The Invitation
- The Irishman's Song
- The Isle
- The Magnetic Lady to Her Patient
- The Past
- The Question
- “The Rude Wind Is Singing”
- The Sensitive Plant
- The Solitary
- The Spectral Horseman
- The Sunset
- The Tower Of Famine
- The Two Spirits
- “The Viewless and Invisible Consequence”
- The Vine-shroud
- The Wandering Jew's Soliloquy
- The Waning Moon
- The World's Wanderers
- The Zucca
- Time Long Past
- Time
- To Byron
- To Coleridge
- To Constantia
- To Death
- To Edward Williams
- To Emilia Viviani
- To Harriet
- To Ireland
- To Italy
- To Jane: The Keen Stars Were Twinkling
- To Jane: The Recollection
- To Mary Shelley
- To Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
- To Mary
- To Night
- To Sophia (Miss Stacey)
- To The Lord Chancellor
- To the Men of England
- To the Moon
- To the Nile
- To The Republicans Of North America
- To Wordsworth
- To-morrow
- To... (I Fear Thy Kisses, Gentle Maiden)
- To... (Music, when soft voices die)
- To... (When passion's trance is overpast)
- To... (Yet Look On Me)
- “Unrisen Splendour Of The Brightest Sun”
- Verses on a Cat
- “We Meet Not As We Parted”
- “When The Lamp Is Shattered”
- Wine Of The Fairies
- With a Guitar, to Jane
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