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Элинор Уайли (Elinor Wylie) (1885-1928)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. October
  2. Song
  3. Epitaph
  4. Beauty
  5. Now Let No Charitable Hope
  6. Full Moon
  7. A Proud Lady
  8. Sea Lullaby
  9. Fire and Sleet and Candlelight
  10. Velvet Shoes
  11. The Eagle and the Mole
  12. Wild Peaches
  13. Bells in the Rain
  14. The Prinkin’ Leddie
  15. Cold-Blooded Creatures
  16. Les Lauriers Sont Coupée
  17. August
  18. The Puritan’s Ballad
  19. The Child on the Curbstone
  20. The Crooked Stick
  21. The Church-Bell
  22. Phases of the Moon
  23. Village Mystery
  24. Curious Circumstance
  25. The Tortoise in Eternity
  26. Little Elegy
  27. Sunset on the Spire
  28. A Crowded Trolley-Car
  29. Love Song
  30. Nancy
  31. Parting Gift
  32. The Lion and the Lamb
  33. The Poor Old Cannon
  34. The Fairy Goldsmith
  35. Venetian Interior
  36. The Pekingese
  37. Little Joke
  38. Prophecy
  39. Blood Feud
  40. Poor Earth
  41. Silver Filigree
  42. Pretty Words
  43. The Lost Path
  44. Valentine
  45. Quarrel
  46. Sanctuary
  47. Winter Sleep
  48. Address to My Soul
  49. Escape
  50. Atavism
  51. Nadir
  52. Spring Pastoral
  53. Incantation
  54. Primavera in the North
  55. Death and the Maiden
  56. Ophelia
  57. Bronze Trumpets and Sea Water - On Turning Latin into English
  58. Madman’s Song
  59. The Falcon

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