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Elinor Wylie (Элинор Уайли)

Sunset on the Spire

All that I dream
By day or night
Lives in that stream
Of lovely light.
Here is the earth,
And there is the spire;
This is my hearth,
And that is my fire.
From the sun's dome
I am shouted proof
That this is my home,
And that is my roof.
Here is my food,
And here is my drink,
And I am wooed
From the moon's brink.
And the days go over,
And the nights end;
Here is my lover,
Here is my friend.
All that I
Can ever ask
Wears that sky
Like a thin gold mask.

Elinor Wylie's other poems:
  1. The Falcon
  2. Madman’s Song
  3. Bronze Trumpets and Sea Water - On Turning Latin into English
  4. Ophelia
  5. Death and the Maiden

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