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Вальтер Скотт (Walter Scott) (1771-1832)
Вальтер Скотт (Walter Scott)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Клятва МойныNora's Vow
  2. Замок Смальгольм, или Иванов вечерThe Eve of St. John
  3. ФиалкаThe Violet
  4. РешениеThe Resolve
  5. ЛохинварLochinvar
  6. Прощание с музойFarewell to the Muse
  7. Охотничья песняHunting Song
  8. Даме, преподнося ей цветы с римской стеныTo a Lady - with Flowers from a Roman Wall
  9. Владыка огняThe Fire-King
  10. Дева ТороThe Maid of Toro
  11. ПаломникThe Palmer
  12. Умирающий бардThe Dying Bard
  13. Колыбельная юному вождюLullaby of an Infant Chief
  14. ХелвеллинHellvellyn
  15. Christmas
  16. Дева из НидпасаThe Maid of Neidpath
  17. Плач вдовыThe Lament of the Border Widow
  18. Скиталец УиллиWandering Willie
  19. Песня пажаWhere Shall the Lover Rest
  20. ПокаяниеThe Gray Brother
  21. Закат окрасил гладь озер...Datur Hora Quieti
  22. Военная песня клана МакгрегорMacGregor's Gathering
  23. Джок из ХэзелдинаJock of Hazeldean
  24. My Native Land
  25. A Serenade
  26. Поле ВатерлооThe Field of Waterloo
  27. Доналд Кэрд вернулся к нам!Donald Caird's Come Again!
  28. Answer
  29. К лунеTo the Moon
  30. An Hour With Thee
  31. The Truth of Woman
  32. William and Helen
  33. Bonnie Dundee
  34. The Orphan Maid
  35. Saint Cloud
  36. Thomas the Rhymer
  37. Soldier, Wake
  38. The Dying Gipsy Smuggler
  39. The Bard's Incantation
  40. The Dance of Death
  41. Замок КэдьоCadyow Castle
  42. Ancient Gaelic Melody
  43. It Was an English Ladye Bright
  44. Song of the Glee-Maiden
  45. Funeral Hymn
  46. Hunter's Song
  47. Rosabelle
  48. The Barefooted Friar
  49. Proud Maisie
  50. Pharos Loquitur
  51. On Tweed River
  52. Резня в ГленкоOn the Massacre of Glencoe
  53. Flora Macivor's Song
  54. Harp of the North, Farewell!
  55. Border Ballad
  56. Verses Found In Bothwell's Pocket-Book
  57. Saxon War-Song
  58. St. Swithin's Chair
  59. Bonaparte
  60. Waverly
  61. Pibroch of Donail Dhu
  62. To the Sub-Prior
  63. The Wild Huntsman
  64. The Noble Moringer
  65. Farewell to Mackenzie
  66. Lucy Ashton's Song
  67. Song of the Zetland Fisherman
  68. Bruce and the Abbot
  69. The Black Knight's Song
  70. MacKrimmon's Lament
  71. Major Bellenden's Song
  72. The Return to Ulster
  73. The Crusader's Return
  74. Frederick and Alice
  75. The Troubadour
  76. County Guy
  77. Coronach
  78. Here’s a Health to King Charles
  79. The Song of the Tempest
  80. Brignall Banks
  81. Why Sit'st Thou By That Ruin'd Hall
  82. Twist Ye, Twine Ye
  83. The Reiver's Wedding
  84. Death Chant
  85. The Norman Horse-Shoe
  86. The Battle of Sempach
  87. Elspeth's Ballad
  88. On Leaving Mrs. Brown's Lodgings
  89. Romance of Dunois
  90. Epitaph
  91. The Maid of Isla
  92. The Sun upon the Weirdlaw Hill
  93. Lines Addressed to Ranald Macdonald, Esq., of Staffa
  94. The Monks of Bangor’s March
  95. On Ettrick Forest’s Mountains Dun

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