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George Gordon Byron (Джордж Гордон Байрон)

To Harriet


Harriet! to see such Circumspection,
In Ladies I have no objection
⁠   Concerning what they read;
An ancient Maid's a sage adviser,
Like her you will be much the wiser,
⁠   In word, as well as Deed.


But Harriet, I don't wish to flatter,
And really think 't would make the matter
   ⁠More perfect if not quite,
If other Ladies when they preach,
Would certain Damsels also teach
⁠   More cautiously to write.

George Gordon Byron's other poems:
  1. Churchill’s Grave
  2. ЭпитафияEpitaph
  3. On a Change of Masters at a Great Public School
  4. Lines Addressed to a Young Lady
  5. To the Earl of Clare

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Percy Shelley (Перси Шелли) To Harriet ("Thy look of love has power to calm")

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