Laura Sophia Temple (1763-1812?)
The Rating of Laura Sophia Temple's Poems - Stanzas
- The Exile
- Summer
- The Blind Lover to His Mistress
- Loud Rav'd the Rav'ning Storm! It Came--It Past
- The Inconstant
- Song II (Now smiling Summer gilds the scene)
- Solitary Musings
- Sonnet 2. To the Morning Star
- Lines Addressed to My Own Heart
- Arabian Song
- Fair Lady, Why That Sadden'd Eye
- The Victim of Seduction
- The Murderer
- Sonnet 1. To the Evening Gale
- Disappointment
- On Hearing the Sound of Music at a Distance
- Lines Written on Seeing Lark
- Song I (When the fair Morning)
- The Sailor
- Recollection
- Glances Back
- An Address to Apathy
- Sonnet 3. When grey Eve steals along the Western sky
- Morning Walk
- At the Sight of a Beautiful But Frail One
- The Hindoo Lover's Address
- The Outcast
- To My Best Friend
- The Last Adieu
- The Wanderer's Return
- Lines Written on Reading Young's Night Thoughts--
- When Lately I Mus'd on the Days That Are Fled
- Song III (Days of my youth, ye are gliding away!)
- What Is Pleasure?--'tis a Bubble
- Sonnet 4. To the BANKS of the EX
- To the Genius of Romance
- The Search after Love
- Dreams of the Morning
- The Discarded Lover
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