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Poem by Laura Sophia Temple The Wanderer's Return Now died the Night-breeze on the winding shore, And Folly's babbling voice was heard no more; Calm was the hour, all Nature seem'd to sleep, And silence listen'd on the placid deep: Save that at times a soft melodious strain Now wildly swell'd,--now gently sunk again; In rich vibrations, eloquently clear, The melting cadence stole upon the ear. One lonely Wand'rer heard the plaintive song As quick she pass'd with frantic steps along, She started, stopp'd, then wildly waved her hand, And these sad words were borne along the strand. "Sweet sounds! again ye tremble on my Soul, And bid impetuous tides of passion roll! Ah! not as once I greet ye, dulcet notes! In vain to me your soft enchantment floats; In vain the eye of Morn its brightness lends, In vain the Eve its frolic Zephyr lends; For me, whom Fate of ev'ry joy beguiles, No music warbles, and no beauty smiles. Oh! scenes of grandeur, Nature's proudest boast, Dear well-known features of fair Devon's coast! Still do your mantling graces charm the eye, Still do your swelling gales with fragrance sigh, Rise still your awful cliffs whose rugged sides Mock the vain fury of the dashing tides; While day's gay Sov'reign ere he takes his flight, Darts o'er their brows a stream of orange light. Swift do the silv'ry sails at distance dance, On the clear bosom of the blue expanse, And still the hov'ring sea-gull perch'd on high Gives to the wanton Gale its mournful cry. Ah thus it was that beauty's smiling ray Spread its fair lustre o'er the face of day, When rich in youth, and Hope's exhaustless store These eyes first hail'd thee, dear romantic shore. Oh golden moments! let my mind retrace The soft expansion of each blooming grace! Smile lovely friendship on my raptur'd soul! Still suns of happiness serenely roll! Visions of brightness glad my eager eyes, Dear well known vanished forms, arise--arise! But no -- it must not be--soon Reason starts, And Fancy's fond illusive dream departs; Far distant are the beauteous shadows flown, Wildly I gaze, and find myself alone-- Alone! oh word of horror! chilling sound! That quickly spreads Fate's blackest shades around. That furnishes Reflection's bitter food, And bids me view the mind's drear Solitude, Tells me that Joy's warm suns have pass'd away, That Love has shot his last expiring ray. Yes, its soft orb has sunk, quench'd is its light, In the dark chaos of eternal night. Friendless I roam, no smiles my presence greet, No voice I hear, no kindling glance I meet. Oh vanish'd smiles that mad'ning thought recals! Heart-thrilling voice on Mem'ry's ear that falls! Beloved eyes, swift messengers of mind That once so sweetly beam'd on all Mankind Where are ye fled? alas, your light has fail'd, Death's shadowy wing your lustrous morn has veil'd; Mute is the voice, and cold the rosy lips, And I am left to view the dark eclipse. Why dost thou mock me then enchanted ground, Why bloom the sweets of Fairy-land around? Such scenes may please the happy and the gay, But can their charms illume my cloudy day? Ah no! nor groves, nor laughing flow'rs suffice, Nor sounds melodious nor resplendent skies; Each object speaks of bliss that would not last, Each seems the faithful mirror of the past. Let me then fly the haunts where sun-beams play, Where music's notes along the vale decay. To trackless wilds far distant let me haste, And roam a Wand'rer on the World's wide waste. Laura Sophia Temple Laura Sophia Temple's other poems:
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