Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

The Rating of Oliver Wendell Holmes's Poems - The Last Leaf
- The Reverend Henry Beecher
- The Voiceless
- On Lending a Punch-Bowl
- The Chambered Nautilus
- Lines
- A Song
- A Rhymed Lesson (Urania)
- Evening
- My Aunt
- Song (THE stars their early vigils keep)
- Old Ironsides
- The Bells
- To Governor Swain
- The Two Armies
- Contentment
- A Sentiment (THE pledge of Friendship! it is still divine)
- Sun and Shadow
- To the Portrait of “A Lady” in the Athenaeum Gallery
- The Flower of Liberty
- The Music-Grinders
- Verses for After-Dinner Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1844
- Song (A HEALTH to dear woman! She bids us untwine)
- God Save the Flag
- A Poem for the Meeting of the American Medical Association at New York, May 5, 1853
- Reflections of a Proud Pedestrian
- The Height of the Ridiculous
- The Steamboat
- An After-Dinner Poem
- The Comet
- The Dilemma
- The Stethoscope Song
- The Treadmill Song
- Rip Van Winkle, M. D.
- My Aviary
- The September Gale
- Lexington
- The Only Daughter
- A Farewell to Agassiz
- The Dorchester Giant
- Under the Violets
- The Last Reader
- The Island Hunting-Song
- Nux Postcoenatica
- The Study
- Non-Resistance
- Daily Trials
- The Cambridge Churchyard
- The Parting Word
- The Two Streams
- Departed Days
- The Moral Bully
- To an Insect
- The Pilgrim's Vision
- A Modest Request
- A Sentiment (A TRIPLE health to Friendship, Science, Art,)
- A Song of Other Days
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