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Poem by James Russell Lowell

The Lover


    Go from the world from East to West,
  Search every land beneath the sky,
  You cannot find a man so blest,
  A king so powerful as I,
  Though you should seek eternally.


    For I a gentle lover be,
  Sitting at my loved-one's side;
  She giveth her whole soul to me
  Without a wish or thought of pride,
  And she shall be my cherished bride.


    No show of gaudiness hath she,
  She doth not flash with jewels rare;
  In beautiful simplicity
  She weareth leafy garlands fair,
  Or modest flowers in her hair.


    Sometimes she dons a robe of green,
  Sometimes a robe of snowy white,
  But, in whatever garb she's seen,
  It seems most beautiful and right,
  And is the loveliest to my sight.


    Not I her lover am alone,
  Yet unto all she doth suffice,
  None jealous is, and every one
  Reads love and truth within her eyes,
  And deemeth her his own dear prize.


    And so thou art, Eternal Nature!
  Yes, bride of Heaven, so thou art;
  Thou, wholly lovest every creature,
  Giving to each no stinted part,
  But filling every peaceful heart.

James Russell Lowell

James Russell Lowell's other poems:
  1. To the Dark, Narrow House Where Loved Ones Go
  2. I Fain Would Give to Thee the Loveliest Things
  3. Poet! Who Sittest in Thy Pleasant Room
  4. “No More But So?”
  5. Much I Had Mused of Love, and in My Soul

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Mary Montagu The Lover ("At length, by so much importunity press'd")
  • Walter Landor The Lover ("Now thou art gone, tho' not gone far")
  • Dora Sigerson Shorter The Lover ("I go through wet spring woods alone")

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