Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) English aristocrat, letter writer and poet

Poems by Mary Wortley Montagu - A Ballad
- A Character
- A Hymn to the Moon
- A Man in Love
- A Receipt to Cure the Vapors
- A Summary of Lord Lyttleton's Advice to a Lady
- Addressed to ------, 1736
- Advice
- An Answer to a Love-Letter, in Verse
- An Elegy on Mrs. Thompson
- An Epistle from Pope to Lord Bolingbroke
- An Epistle to the Earl of Burlington
- Answered, for Lord William Hamilton
- Answer
- Ballad, on a Late Occurrence
- Between Your Sheets
- Conclusion of a Letter to a Friend
- Constantinople
- Continuation
- Epigram, 1734
- Epilogue to Mary Queen of Scots
- Epilogue to the Tragedy of Cato
- Epistle from Arthur Grey, the Footman, to Mrs. Murray, after His Condemnation for Attempting to Comm
- Epistle from Mrs. Yonge to Her Husband
- Epistle to Lord Hervey on the King's Birthday from the Country
- Epithalamium
- Farewell to Bath
- Friday, the Toilette
- Impromptu, to a Young Lady Singing
- Irregular Verses to Truth
- John Duke of Marlborough
- Julia to Ovid
- Lady Hertford to Lord William Hamilton
- Lines Written in a Blank Page of Milton's Paradise Lost
- Melinda's Complaint
- On Seeing a Portrait of Sir Robert Walpole
- On the Death of Mrs. Bowes
- Song - Rondeau
- Song
- The Bride in the Country
- The Court of Dulness
- The Fifth Ode of the First Book of Horace Imitated
- The Fourth Ode of the First Book of Horace Imitated
- The Lady's Resolve
- The Lover
- The Politicians
- To a Friend on His Travels
- To Mr. ------
- To the Same
- Town Eclogues: Monday; Roxana, or the Drawing-Room
- Town Eclogues: Saturday; the Small-Pox
- Town Eclogues: Thursday; the Bassette-Table
- Town Eclogues: Tuesday; St. James's Coffee-House
- Town Eclogues: Wednesday; the Tête à Tête
- Verses Addressed to the Imitator...
- Verses Written in a Garden
- Written at Lovere, 1755
- Written at Lovere, October, 1736
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