James Russell Lowell (1819-1891) American Romantic poet, critic, editor and diplomat

Poems by James Russell Lowell - A Dirge
- A Feeling
- A Love-Dream
- A Mystical Ballad
- A Reverie
- Bellerophon
- Disappointment
- Fancies about a Rosebud, Pressed in an Old Copy of Spenser
- Farewell
- Flowers
- Forgetfulness
- Fourth of July Ode
- “Great Human Nature, Whither Art Thou Fled?”
- Green Mountains
- Hakon's Lay
- “I Fain Would Give to Thee the Loveliest Things”
- “I Saw a Gate: a Harsh Voice Spake and Said”
- Ianthe
- Impartiality
- In Sadness
- Isabel
- Love's Altar
- Love-Song
- “Might I But Be Beloved, and, O Most Fair”
- “Much I Had Mused of Love, and in My Soul”
- Music
- “My Friend, Adown Life's Valley, Hand in Hand”
- New Year's Eve, 1844
- “O Child of Nature!”
- Out of Doors
- “Poet! Who Sittest in Thy Pleasant Room”
- Rhoecus
- “Sayest Thou, Most Beautiful, That Thou Wilt Wear”
- She Came and Went
- “So May It Be, But Let It Not Be So”
- Something Natural
- Song (All things are sad)
- Song (Lift up the curtains of thine eyes)
- Song (O! I must look on that sweet face once more before I die)
- Song (What reck I of the stars, when I)
- Sonnet
- Sphinx
- The Bobolink
- The Church
- The Courtin'
- The Departed
- The Lost Child
- The Lover
- The Poet
- The Serenade
- “The Soul Would Fain Its Loving Kindness Tell”
- The Unlovely
- To ----
- To a Friend
- To E. W. G.
- “To the Dark, Narrow House Where Loved Ones Go”
- “Verse Cannot Say How Beautiful Thou Art”
- “Why Should We ever Weary of This Life?”
- Without and Within
- “Goe, Little Booke!“
- “No More But So?”
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