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Ðåéòèíã ïîýòîâÐåéòèíã ñòèõîòâîðåíèé

Ýëëà Óèëêîêñ (Ella Wheeler Wilcox) (1850-1919)
Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Ýëëà Óèëêîêñ)

Ðåéòèíã ïîïóëÿðíîñòè ñòèõîòâîðåíèé ïîýòà íà ñàéòå Àíãëèéñêàÿ ïîýçèÿ
  1. The Actor
  2. Winter Rain
  3. I Love You
  4. Angel or Demon
  5. Love’s Language
  6. The World's Need
  7. The Traveller
  8. A Dirge
  9. Dawn
  10. The Snowflake
  11. Worth Living
  12. December
  13. The Year
  14. Friendship
  15. I Am
  16. October
  17. The Message
  18. Which Are You?
  19. Now
  20. As We Look Back
  21. Wishing
  22. Dear Motherland of France
  23. Two
  24. All Roads That Lead To God Are Good
  25. Beyond
  26. A Maiden to Her Mirror
  27. A Fancy
  28. Happiness
  29. Night
  30. “It Might Have Been”
  31. Parting
  32. Delilah
  33. Advice
  34. You Will Forget Me
  35. Christmas Fancies
  36. Discontent
  37. The River
  38. Under the Moon
  39. At the Window
  40. Change
  41. A Leaf
  42. Then and Now
  43. The Past
  44. Life’s Scars
  45. Words
  46. A Ballade of the Unborn Dead
  47. A Song of Life
  48. A Golden Day
  49. A Woman’s Hand
  50. The Wish
  51. Ad Finem
  52. Absence
  53. The Lullaby
  54. Father
  55. The Word
  56. The Voices of the City
  57. Found
  58. A Lovers’ Quarrel
  59. A Song of Faith
  60. The Voice of the Crutch
  61. War
  62. A Grey Mood
  63. Love
  64. A Curious Story
  65. Hidden Gems
  66. Baby's First Journey
  67. Joy
  68. Bird of Hope
  69. A Crushed Leaf
  70. God's Majesty
  71. Contentment
  72. Listen!
  73. Two (As I sat in my opera box last night)
  74. Sonnets of Sorrow. 6. My love, my love, how often in old days
  75. Fleeing Away
  76. A Woman’s Love
  77. Love Song
  78. Comrades
  79. An Autumn Reverie
  80. The Lady of Tears
  81. Attainment
  82. Life and I (When Life and I first talked together)
  83. One of Us Two
  84. Communism
  85. All for Me
  86. The Queen’s Last Ride
  87. A Rainy Night
  88. Camouflage
  89. If (If I were a raindrop, and you were a leaf)
  90. In the Garden
  91. River and Sea (We stood by the river that swept)
  92. Grief
  93. Worth While
  94. The Voices of the People
  95. Wishes
  96. Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving for the strong armed day)
  97. Friendship after Love
  98. Your Fate
  99. Possession
  100. So Long
  101. A Plea to Peace
  102. Australia Answers
  103. Guerdon
  104. A Baby in the House
  105. We Two
  106. Life and Death
  107. The Night
  108. Will (There is no chance, no destiny, no fate)
  109. Life and I (Life and I are lovers, straying)
  110. Woman and War
  111. Sonnets of Sorrow. 1. Praying for light, and praying all in vain
  112. Songs from the Turret. 4. Life is a ponderous lesson book, and Fate
  113. Which
  114. A Dream (That was a curious dream; I thought the three)
  115. A Girl’s Faith
  116. Just You
  117. A Fallen Leaf
  118. After the Battles Are Over
  119. Æsthetic
  120. A Glass of Wine
  121. Always at Sea
  122. A Waltz-Quadrille
  123. After the Engagement
  124. Christ Crucified
  125. I Told You
  126. Sonnets of Sorrow. 5. You understood the woman side of me
  127. Independence Ode
  128. A Reminiscence
  129. As You Go Through Life
  130. The New Love
  131. Nirvana
  132. Sonnets of Sorrow. 2. I know my heart has always been devout
  133. Life (All in the dark we grope along)
  134. Illusion
  135. Go Plant a Tree
  136. A Maiden’s Secret
  137. On Rainy Days
  138. Songs from the Turret. 2. Some day, some beauteous day
  139. Worthy the Name of Sir Knight
  140. The Other
  141. American Boys, Hello!
  142. Lost Nation
  143. Unconquered
  144. Presumption
  145. Refuted
  146. Noblesse Oblige
  147. The Ballot
  148. No Place
  149. Through Dim Eyes
  150. A War Poem
  151. Song of the Spirit (All the aim of life is just)
  152. Existence
  153. The Awakening (OUT of the sleep of earth, with visions rife)
  154. Our Blessings
  155. Old Rhythm and Rhyme
  156. Kiss Me
  157. All That Love Asks
  158. At an Old Drawer
  159. I Wonder Why
  160. Last Love
  161. Ascension
  162. Moon and Sea
  163. Fame
  164. Coleur de Rose
  165. In the Long Run
  166. Thy Ship
  167. Bound and Free
  168. Death Has Crowned Him a Martyr
  169. Karma
  170. If (Dear love, if you and I could sail away)
  171. Philosophy
  172. Bohemia
  173. A Dream (In the night I dreamed that you had died)
  174. Idler’s Song
  175. Shrines
  176. A Man’s Good-Bye
  177. The Ship and the Boat
  178. Their Faces
  179. I Will Be Worthy of It
  180. Sestina
  181. Will (You will be what you will to be)
  182. It May Be
  183. Conversation
  184. Life (Life, like a romping schoolboy, full of glee)
  185. The Tides
  186. His Mansion
  187. Daft
  188. A Strain of Music
  189. Mirage
  190. Justice
  191. Sonnets of Sorrow. 15. Loving you so I loved the world entire
  192. Sonnets of Sorrow. 7. This thought I welcome only, of the train
  193. A Wakeful Night
  194. Noon
  195. A Burial
  196. The Tulip Bed at Greeley Square
  197. The Question
  198. Wait
  199. Action
  200. Sonnets of Sorrow. 17. I who have sung so loud of God's great power
  201. Alone in the House
  202. In the Crowd
  203. Womanhood
  204. Shadows
  205. A Fisherman’s Baby
  206. You Never Can Tell
  207. A Man’s Ideal
  208. Canada
  209. A Tumbler of Claret
  210. New Year (Know this! there is nothing can harm you)
  211. Ghosts
  212. Smiles
  213. Earthly Pride
  214. A Marine Etching
  215. Realisation
  216. Midsummer
  217. I Will Be True
  218. An Answer (If all the year was summer-time)
  219. Begin the Day
  220. Limitless
  221. Jenny Lind
  222. The Duel
  223. The South
  224. Dream Town
  225. Inspiration
  226. Smoke
  227. At Bay
  228. Before and After
  229. Achievement
  230. Sonnets of Sorrow. 12. If, till we met, no Maker had existed
  231. Sonnets of Sorrow. 4. My earthly friends, however occupied
  232. Old Times
  233. Life Is a Privilege
  234. Here and Now
  235. Only a Slight Flirtation
  236. Lines from «Maurine» (I’d rather have my verses win)
  237. The Bridal Eve
  238. Deceitful Calm
  239. Prayer (I do not undertake to say)
  240. Songs from the Turret. 1. In the day my thoughts are tender
  241. Sonnets of Sorrow. 10. My sick and suffering heart is newly stricken
  242. My Home
  243. The Brave Highland Laddies
  244. Devils
  245. Mysteries
  246. A Lawyer's Romance
  247. True Warriors
  248. How the White Rose Came
  249. Leudeman’s-on-the-River
  250. High Noon
  251. If One Should Dive Deep
  252. The Statue
  253. I Bide My Time
  254. Somewhere
  255. Worn Out
  256. Not Anchored
  257. No Spring
  258. Sonnets of Sorrow. 16. Oh, to wake once again with that old joy
  259. Fading (She sits beside the window. All who pass)
  260. Reunited
  261. Over the Banisters
  262. Wild Oats
  263. More Fortunate
  264. Together
  265. The Deadliest Sin
  266. Songs from the Turret. 8. Now do I know how Paradise doth seem
  267. Love is Enough
  268. Resolve
  269. Life's Key
  270. Rondeau
  271. Three Friends
  272. The Stevedores
  273. You Promised Me
  274. River and Sea (Under the light of the silver moon)
  275. Ambition’s Trail
  276. An Empty Crib
  277. The Mill
  278. What Happens?
  279. Spectres
  280. Low Tide
  281. I'm Sorry
  282. Life’s Harmonies
  283. Peek-a-Boo
  284. The Kettle
  285. If Christ Came Questioning
  286. Be Not Weary
  287. Completion
  288. Jamie
  289. Mission
  290. The Ladder
  291. No Rest
  292. An Old Song
  293. In Faith
  294. Over the May Hill
  295. New Year (The year like a ship in the distance)
  296. Speak
  297. A Song of Home
  298. ’Let Us Give Thanks’
  299. The Rainbow of Promise
  300. Platonic
  301. Answered Prayers
  302. Wishes for a Little Girl
  303. False
  304. Relics
  305. Songs from the Turret. 5. If I were a rain drop, and you were a leaf
  306. Blind Sorrow
  307. After (After the end that is drawing near)
  308. The Black Sheep
  309. Inevitable
  310. Retrospection
  311. Warning
  312. Lais When Old
  313. God Rules Alway
  314. The Harp's Song
  315. The New Commandment
  316. Knowledge
  317. Weather-Vanes
  318. The Reticence of the Dead
  319. About May
  320. Courage
  321. Sonnets of Sorrow. 8. At last a dream--at last a dream of you!
  322. Songs from the Turret. 9. Love is the source of all supreme delight
  323. Songs from the Turret. 14. There was a bard all in the olden time
  324. Poverty and Wealth
  325. My Ships
  326. The Captive
  327. No Song
  328. Passing the Buck
  329. Artist’s Life
  330. Introductory Verses
  331. Satiety
  332. It Does Not Matter
  333. Half Fledged
  334. Songs from the Turret. 3. When love is lost, the day sets toward the night
  335. Love Much
  336. If I Could Only Weep
  337. Those Faded Leaves Were as White as Snow
  338. One by One
  339. Unrest
  340. Woman to Man
  341. The Peace Angel
  342. Art and Love
  343. Deep unto Deep Was Calling
  344. Incomplete
  345. Simple Creeds
  346. The Search
  347. America Will Not Turn Back
  348. In the Night (In the silent midnight watches)
  349. Music in the Flat
  350. Mad
  351. Unanswered Prayers
  352. Widows
  353. Slipping Away
  354. Master and Servant
  355. Sonnets of Sorrow. 19. Full sixteen thousand million souls are here
  356. A Moorish Maid
  357. Recompense
  358. Preaching vs. Practice
  359. Helena
  360. Lean Down
  361. Three at the Opera
  362. The Tryst
  363. Camp Followers
  364. The Khaki Boys Who Were Not at the Front
  365. Bedlam Town
  366. A Waft of Perfume
  367. The Ogre Slam-the-Door
  368. Songs from the Turret. 11. Three things my ladye seemeth like to me
  369. Love’s Coming
  370. Questioning
  371. The Instructor
  372. By-And-Bye
  373. A Waif
  374. A March Snow
  375. Impatience
  376. If (Twixt what thou art, and what thou wouldst be, let)
  377. Veils
  378. To the West
  379. An Old Heart
  380. Songs from the Turret. 12. The moon flower, grown from a slip so slender
  381. Sorrow’s Uses
  382. A Suggestion
  383. Momus, God of Laughter
  384. The Pessimist
  385. Love and the Seasons
  386. Motherhood
  387. Arise
  388. The Spur
  389. Kingdom of Love
  390. Why I Love Her
  391. A Man’s Reverie
  392. Why
  393. ’Flowers of France’
  394. I, Too
  395. Prayer (Give us the open mind, O God)
  396. Inborn
  397. In an Old Art Gallery
  398. Does It Pay?
  399. Lost
  400. When My Sweet Lady Sings
  401. The Law (The tide of love swells in me with such force)
  402. An East Wind
  403. Answers
  404. Songs from the Turret. 13. As the waves of the outgoing sea
  405. Pardoned out
  406. Going Away
  407. An Old Man to His Sleeping Young Bride
  408. Old and New
  409. Bridge of Prayer
  410. Only a Glove
  411. An Autumn Day
  412. The Sonnet
  413. How Like the Sea
  414. I Look to Science
  415. Preparation
  416. Penalty
  417. Only in Dreams
  418. They Shall Not Win
  419. Poems of the Week
  420. Effect
  421. Lawns
  422. They Say
  423. Two Ghosts
  424. Contrasts
  425. New and Old
  426. Sun Shadows
  427. Romney
  428. And They Are Dumb
  429. Snowed Under
  430. Conversion
  431. All Mad
  432. The Arrival
  433. To an Astrologer
  434. Custer. Book Second
  435. The Swan of Dijon
  436. Nothing But Stones
  437. An Afternoon
  438. Sing to Me
  439. Desolation
  440. Good Night
  441. Reminders
  442. Uselessness
  443. Let Them Go
  444. It Matters Only
  445. Sold
  446. Song of the Spirit (Too sweet and too subtle for pen or for tongue)
  447. Love Will Wane
  448. De Rochambeau
  449. Nothing Remains
  450. The Engine
  451. Lines from “Maurine” (It was a way of Helen's not to sing)
  452. Love’s Supremacy
  453. At the Hop
  454. Ode to the British Fleet
  455. Assertion
  456. What I Have Seen
  457. Men of the Sea
  458. The German Fleet
  459. Love’s Burial
  460. Two Nights
  461. I Dream
  462. The Fire Brigade
  463. The Birth of Jealousy
  464. Never
  465. Afloat
  466. The Men-Made Gods
  467. An Inspiration
  468. Searching
  469. The Earth
  470. Repetition
  471. Songs from the Turret. 10. My ladye's eyes are wishing wells
  472. Fading (All in the beautiful Autumn weather)
  473. Little Queen
  474. “Carlos”
  475. Warp and Woof
  476. Burned Out
  477. Sonnets of Sorrow. 3. You were so wonderful with quiet faith
  478. Life's Opera
  479. Attraction
  480. Are You Loving Enough?
  481. Progress
  482. The Reason
  483. Only a Line
  484. Estranged
  485. Two Friends
  486. The Spirit of Great Joan
  487. In France I Saw a Hill
  488. The Blasphemy of Guns
  489. The Ocean of Song
  490. Into Space
  491. The Masquerade
  492. Reform
  493. Thanksgiving (We walk on starry fields of white)
  494. Individuality
  495. Morning Prayer
  496. Love Thyself Last
  497. My Comrade
  498. Over the Alley
  499. The Under-Tone
  500. The Universal Route
  501. The Creed to Be
  502. Custer. Book Third
  503. When the Regiment Came Back
  504. England, Awake!
  505. Ten Thousand Men a Day
  506. Circumstance
  507. One Night
  508. Is It Done?
  509. The Age of Motored Things
  510. September (September comes along the great green way)
  511. All in a Coach and Four
  512. Content and Happiness
  513. At the Bridal
  514. To Marry Or Not to Marry?
  515. The Poet’s Theme
  516. Lippo
  517. Angela
  518. Foes
  519. Answered
  520. He Will Not Come
  521. Cheating Time
  522. Come Back Clean
  523. Sonnets of Sorrow. 22. Wild sorrow in my bosom has been raging
  524. Memories
  525. Denied
  526. The West
  527. An Old Bouquet
  528. The Old Wooden Cradle
  529. The Meeting of the Centuries
  530. Fate and I
  531. Songs from the Turret. 6. Time owes me such a heavy debt
  532. Words from the Wind
  533. Sonnets of Sorrow. 11. What boundless wealth of love!
  534. Sisters of Mine
  535. Not Quite the Same
  536. How Is It?
  537. Earnestness
  538. Daily Talks
  539. Her Love
  540. It All Will Come out Right
  541. Mother’s Loss
  542. Thy Love Is Like the Harbour, Safe and Still
  543. Transformation
  544. Thought-Magnets
  545. An Answer (If one should bring a rose that had been fair)
  546. If I Could Utter
  547. Returned Birds
  548. Burdened
  549. Clara Morris
  550. Sapphires
  551. Sonnets of Sorrow. 21. So many mansions in our Father's house
  552. Display
  553. Go Back
  554. Reverie
  555. Met
  556. The Cusine
  557. The Tendril’s Faith
  558. Custer. Book First
  559. Voyages
  560. Beppo
  561. No Comfort
  562. Best
  563. The Optimist
  564. Departed
  565. Why Should We Sigh
  566. The Awakening (I said, I will place my heart, my heart all broken)
  567. He That Hath Ears
  568. Warned
  569. The Law (Life is a Shylock; always it demands)
  570. The Play
  571. The Undiscovered Country
  572. Songs from the Turret. 7. As the king bird feeds on the heart of the bee
  573. Sonnets of Sorrow. 9. From land to land, from coast to bloody coast
  574. Finis
  575. Lay It Away
  576. The Ah Goo Tongue
  577. Sonnets of Sorrow. 18. The wise ones tell me that my heart's wild clamour
  578. The Peace of Allah
  579. Geraldine
  580. Five Kisses
  581. Abelard to Heloise
  582. The Camp Fire
  583. The House of Life
  584. Easter Morn
  585. Astrolabius
  586. Two Rooms
  587. Our Petty Cares
  588. Reconstruction
  589. So Long in Coming
  590. The Cry of the People
  591. What Gain?
  592. You and To-Day
  593. Give
  594. Heart's Ease
  595. The Common Link
  596. Only Dreams
  597. Respite
  598. Perished
  599. Un Rencontre
  600. After (Over the din of battle)
  601. Two Junes
  602. Aristarchus
  603. Rangoon
  604. I Didn’t Think
  605. Unto the End
  606. Sonnets of Sorrow. 14. Full many a roadway that we trod was rough
  607. Sonnets of Sorrow. 13. We scaled all heights, we probed all depths of passion
  608. Lais When Young
  609. Come Near
  610. The Land of Nowhere
  611. Aquileia
  612. Spirit of a Great Control
  613. The Belle of the Season
  614. The Song of the Allies
  615. Old
  616. Presentiment
  617. Trifles
  618. The Punished
  619. Two Sat Down
  620. The World Grows Better
  621. My Vision
  622. The Traveled Man
  623. Uncontrolled
  624. Time’s Hymn of Hate
  625. Song of the Aviator
  626. The Cure
  627. Opportunity
  628. Be Not Dismayed
  629. Under the Willow
  630. The Land of Content
  631. Secret Thoughts
  632. The Chosen
  633. Ye Agents
  634. The Times
  635. The Unattained
  636. Little Blue Hood
  637. The Uninvited Guest
  638. The Girl of the U.S.A.
  639. Two Sunsets
  640. Soul of America
  641. The Beautiful Blue Danube
  642. The Silent Tragedy
  643. The Hour
  644. At Sunset
  645. Sonnets of Sorrow. 20. There always was a longing in your heart
  646. What the Rain Saw
  647. The Hammock's Complaint
  648. Our Atlas
  649. The Crimes of Peace
  650. St. Dunstan's
  651. How Salvator Won
  652. Boys' and Girls' Thanksgiving of 1892
  653. Battle Hymn of the Women
  654. I Shall Not Forget
  655. Affirm
  656. I Am Running Forth to Meet You
  657. America
  658. The Women
  659. Waiting
  660. The Breaking of Chains
  661. Alcohol's Requiem upon Prof. P.F.K., a Gifted man, Who Died a Victim to Strong Drink
  662. Granite Bay
  663. The Cherub Year
  664. In Vain
  665. The Beautiful Land of Nod
  666. Belief
  667. The Black Man's Claim
  668. The Awakening (I love the tropics, where sun and rain)
  669. After?
  670. The Beggar Cat
  671. East and West
  672. The Chain
  673. A Bachelor to a Married Flirt
  674. Why the Spring is Late
  675. At Eleusis
  676. At the Boro Boedoer
  677. The Coming Man
  678. The Giddy Girl
  679. Beauty (The search for beauty is the search for God)
  680. Beauty (Though thy cheek be fair, as the roses are)
  681. In England
  682. Appreciation
  683. Queries
  684. All the World
  685. Be Not Content
  686. The Fault of the Age
  687. The Call (All wantonly in hours of joy)
  688. Praise Day
  689. Worldly Wisdom
  690. Assistance
  691. Bless the Babies
  692. The Empty Bowl
  693. Answer
  694. Art and Heart
  695. When I Die
  696. Were I Man Grown
  697. Artist and Man
  698. But a Dream
  699. At the Fork of the Road
  700. Victory-1918
  701. Applause
  702. The Belle's Soliloquy
  703. The Black Charger
  704. As by Fire
  705. Be Sorry for the Boys a Bit
  706. Belgium
  707. Intermediary
  708. The Phantom Ball
  709. Our Lives
  710. At Set of Sun
  711. The Plow of God
  712. Acquaintance
  713. Blasé
  714. Conquest
  715. Helen of Troy
  716. Climbing
  717. Beauty Making
  718. The Bed
  719. The Last Dance
  720. Art Thou Alive?
  721. Asleep
  722. Babyland
  723. The Barbarous Chief
  724. Be Not Attached
  725. The Birth of the Opal
  726. Bleak Weather
  727. Baby Eva
  728. At Fontainebleau
  729. Awakened!
  730. Behold the Earth
  731. The Birth of the Orchid
  732. At Forty-Eight

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