Anna Laetitia Barbauld (1743-1825)

The Rating of Anna Laetitia Barbauld's Poems - Ode to Spring
- Autumn
- Life
- An Autumnal Thought
- Tomorrow
- A School Eclogue
- A Thought on Death
- To a Friend
- Eighteen Hundred and Eleven
- Ode to Remorse
- The Rights of Women
- The Caterpillar
- Hymn 1 (Jehovah reigns: let every nation hear)
- Hymn 4 (Behold, where breathing love divine)
- Washing Day
- Beauty of Insects
- The Unknown God
- Written on a Marble
- To Love and Time
- Octogenery Reflections
- The Groans of the Tankard
- The Mouse's Petition
- To a Little Invisible Being Who is Expected Soon to Become Visible
- Verses Written in an Alcove
- West End Fair
- Riddle
- Dejection
- Where a Crowd of Pilgrims Toil
- To Wisdom
- Verses on Mrs Rowe
- In the Manner of Spenser
- An Address to the Deity
- Pious Friendship
- To the Poor
- Hymn 2 (Praise to God, immortal praise)
- Come, Said Jesus
- Hymn to Content
- On a Portrait
- To Doctor Priestley
- Logogriph
- Hymn 3. For Easter Sunday (AGAIN the Lord of life and light)
- This Solemn Day
- Song 5 (AS near a weeping spring reclin'd)
- Pastoral Hymn
- Corsica
- The Invitation, to Miss B—
- The Epiphany
- Song 6 (WHEN first upon your tender cheek)
- To Miss R—, on her Attendance upon her Mother at Buxton
- To Mrs. P—, with Drawings of Birds and Insects
- Delia, an Elegy
- To Mr. [S.T.] C[oleridge]
- Song 3 (LEAVE me, simple shepherd, leave me)
- Song 4 (WHEN gentle Celia first I knew)
- Backwardness of the Spring 1771
- The Origin of Song-Writing
- Song 1 (COME here fond youth, whoe'er thou be)
- On the Death of Mrs. Jennings
- Hymn 5 (AWAKE, my soul! lift up thine eyes)
- An Inventory of the Furniture in Dr. Priestley's Study
- Song 2 (IF ever thou didst joy to bind)
- To a Lady, with Painted Flowers
- On a Lady's Writing
- Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq.
- A Summer Evening's Meditation
- To the Baron De Stonne
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