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Poem by Anna Laetitia Barbauld

Hymn 5 (AWAKE, my soul! lift up thine eyes)

AWAKE, my soul! lift up thine eyes,
See where thy foes against thee rise,
In long array, a numerous host;
Awake, my soul, or thou art lost.

Here giant danger threat'ning stands
Mustering his pale terrific bands;
There pleasure's silken banners spread,
And willing souls are captive led.

See where rebellious passions rage,
And fierce desires and lust engage;
The meanest foe of all the train
Has thousands and ten thousands slain.

Thou tread'st upon enchanted ground,
Perils and snares beset thee round;
Beware of all, guard every part,
But most, the traitor in thy heart.

Come then, my soul, now learn to wield
The weight of thine immortal shield;
Put on the armour from above
Of heavenly truth and heavenly love.

The terror and the charm repel,
And powers of earth, and powers of hell;
The man of Calvary triumph'd here;
Why should his faithful followers fear? 

Anna Laetitia Barbauld

Anna Laetitia Barbauld's other poems:
  1. Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq.
  2. To the Baron De Stonne
  3. A Summer Evening's Meditation
  4. Song 3 (LEAVE me, simple shepherd, leave me)
  5. To Miss R—, on her Attendance upon her Mother at Buxton

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