Henry Livingston (1748-1828)

The Rating of Henry Livingston's Poems - Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas
- A Valentine
- The Dance
- Acrostic - Eliza Hughes
- On My Sister Joanna’s Entrance into Her 33rd Year
- Apostrophe
- To My Little Niece Anne Duyckinck
- The Crane & The Fox
- The IX Ode to Horace
- A Tenant of Mrs. Van Kleeck
- Dialogue
- To the Memory of Sarah Livingston
- To the Memory of Henry Welles Livingston
- Letter Sent to Master Timmy Dwight
- Acknowledgement
- Catharine Breese Livingston
- Epithalamium: A Marriage Poem
- Brother Beekman
- An Elegy on the Death of Montgomery Tappen
- Hiding Place
- 1819 New Year’s Carrier’s Address
- The Procession
- Careless Philosopher’s Soliloquy
- To My Little Niece Sally Livingston
- Catharine Livingston
- The Vine & Oak
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