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Robert William Service (1874-1958)
Robert William Service (Роберт Уильям Сервис)

The Rating of Robert William Service's Poems

  1. Madam La Maquise
  2. Maternity
  3. The Wistful One
  4. My Prisoner
  5. The Old Armchair
  6. The Twins
  7. The Outlaw
  8. Poor Peter
  9. My Foe
  10. Fi-Fi in Bed
  11. Resignation
  12. I Have no Doubt at all the Devil Grins
  13. Enemy Conscript
  14. The Haggis
  15. Bookshelf
  16. My Job
  17. The Land God Forgot
  18. The Test
  19. My Dog
  20. Bastard
  21. Five-Per-Cent
  22. The Men that don't Fit in
  23. Vanity
  24. The Dreamer
  25. The Heart of the Sourdough
  26. The Call of the Wild
  27. The Stretcher-Bearer
  28. Bingo
  29. The Lone Trail
  30. My Madonna
  31. Book Borrower
  32. The Battle of the Bulge
  33. Dedication to Providence
  34. No Sourdough
  35. Breakfast
  36. Inspiration
  37. L'Envoi (My job is done; my rhymes are ranked and ready)
  38. On the Wire
  39. Cowardice
  40. Café Comedy
  41. The Three Bares
  42. Dreams
  43. Weary
  44. Decorations
  45. Euthansia
  46. Navels
  47. Farewell to Verse
  48. Funk
  49. Julie Claire
  50. Growing Old
  51. Success
  52. Apollo Belvedere
  53. Politeness
  54. Courage (Ten little brown chicks scattered and scuffled)
  55. The Artist
  56. The Christmas Tree
  57. A Grain of Sand
  58. The Home-Coming
  59. Leaves
  60. The Wedding Ring
  61. The Record
  62. Miss Mischievous
  63. The Song of the Wage-Slave
  64. A Cabbage Patch
  65. Poor Poet
  66. The Auction Sale
  67. A Busy Man
  68. The Ballad of Lenin's Tomb
  69. The Law of the Yukon
  70. Awake to Smile
  71. Hate
  72. Ambition
  73. The Choice (And then I came to Three ways)
  74. The Prisoner
  75. A Domestic Tragedy
  76. The Quest
  77. Adoption
  78. His Boys
  79. A Little Prayer
  80. Romance
  81. The Spell of the Yukon
  82. Carry On
  83. Grandad
  84. Each Day a Life
  85. Portrait (Painter, would you make my picture?)
  86. Bank Robber
  87. Dedication
  88. The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill
  89. The Pretty Lady
  90. Dunce
  91. Kail Yard Bard
  92. An Old Story
  93. A Lyric Day
  94. Sensitive Burglar
  95. Pragmatic
  96. Dark Truth
  97. A Rolling Stone
  98. A Song of Winter Weather
  99. The Tunnel
  100. My Garden
  101. The Bandit
  102. The Trust
  103. Ruins
  104. Pipe Smoker
  105. The Thinker
  106. My Guardian Angel
  107. Room 7: The Coco-Fiend
  108. A Hero
  109. Tipperary Days
  110. Just Think!
  111. A Mediocre Man
  112. At Eighty Years
  113. Ant Hill
  114. Brave Coward
  115. Remorse
  116. A Bachelor
  117. The Joy of Little Things
  118. Kings Must Die
  119. Indifference
  120. A Song for Kilts
  121. Gods in the Gutter
  122. Golden Days
  123. The Centenarian
  124. Book Lover
  125. Moon-Lover
  126. I Have Some Friends
  127. The Faceless Man
  128. My House
  129. A Character
  130. Breton Wife
  131. Privacy
  132. Tim
  133. Amateur Poet
  134. The Convalescent
  135. Premonition
  136. Child Lover
  137. Murderers
  138. The Telegraph Operator
  139. Longevity
  140. Good-Bye, Little Cabin
  141. I Shall Not Burn
  142. Moon Song
  143. Sunshine
  144. The Old
  145. Successful Failure
  146. Man Child
  147. The Sceptic
  148. Balloon
  149. Window Shopper
  150. Gentle Gaoler
  151. Making Good
  152. Lost Kitten
  153. Old Engine Driver
  154. My Tails
  155. Aunt Jane
  156. A Pot of Tea
  157. Spanish Women
  158. Birthday
  159. Relax
  160. Milking Time
  161. The Macaronis
  162. Benjamin Franklin
  163. A Verseman's Apology
  164. Adventure
  165. The Red Retreat
  166. A Song of Success
  167. Grin
  168. The Volunteer
  169. A Rusty Nail
  170. Flies
  171. My Son
  172. Hot Digitty Dog
  173. The Undying
  174. I Believe
  175. Pullman Porter
  176. The Reckoning
  177. Artist
  178. Bed Sitter
  179. Finality
  180. Poet and Peer
  181. The Ballad of the Leather Medal
  182. My Favourite Fan
  183. Village Don Juan
  184. My Holiday
  185. Over The Parapet
  186. Cocotte
  187. The Womb
  188. At San Sebastian
  189. The Lunger
  190. Finistere
  191. The Song of the Soldier-Born
  192. Shiela
  193. Henry
  194. Neighbours
  195. The Parting
  196. Striving
  197. My Library
  198. The Comforter
  199. Externalism
  200. Little Moccasins
  201. Wounded
  202. Lobster for Lunch
  203. A Song of Sixty-Five
  204. My Husky Team
  205. Noctambule
  206. The Widow
  207. Barcelona
  208. The Portrait
  209. Tourists
  210. Old Crony
  211. To Sunnydale
  212. Local Lad
  213. A Plea
  214. Fool Faith
  215. Black Moran
  216. Old Bob
  217. The Leaning Tower
  218. Miracles
  219. The Goat and I
  220. Prelude (I sing no idle songs of dalliance days)
  221. A Snifter
  222. The Answer
  223. My Chapel
  224. Trees against the Sky
  225. Ripeness
  226. Teddy Bear
  227. The Lark
  228. Boon Soul
  229. Regret
  230. Laziness
  231. The Ordinary Man
  232. Allouette
  233. Little Brother
  234. Drifter
  235. Roulette
  236. Raising the Flag
  237. Titine
  238. My Garret
  239. The Three Voices
  240. Atoll
  241. Take It Easy
  242. Village Virtue
  243. Futility
  244. The Contrast
  245. Jaloppy Joy
  246. Susie
  247. L'Envoi (We talked of yesteryears)
  248. My Room
  249. Two Husbands
  250. My Cuckoo Clock
  251. Imagination
  252. Gangrene
  253. Old Ed
  254. The Flower Shop
  255. My Indian Summer
  256. The Visionary
  257. Cheer
  258. Tea on the Lawn
  259. Agnostic
  260. Death in the Arctic
  261. Spartan Mother
  262. Wallflower
  263. Retired Shopman
  264. Last Look
  265. The Squaw Man
  266. Her Toys
  267. Decadence
  268. The Coward
  269. The Sniper
  270. Young Fellow My Lad
  271. Dyspeptic Clerk
  272. Bird Watcher
  273. Priscilla
  274. Grumpy Grandpa
  275. My Cross
  276. A Year Ago
  277. Mazie's Ghost
  278. The Hinterland
  279. The Actor
  280. The Summing Up
  281. The Widower
  282. Abandoned Dog
  283. It is Later than You Think
  284. Duello
  285. Going Home
  286. Days
  287. The Joy of Being Poor
  288. My Neighbors
  289. Unforgotten
  290. Intolerance
  291. Clemenceau
  292. I'm Scared of It All
  293. The Ballad of Soulful Sam
  294. My Trinity
  295. The Release
  296. The Philanderer
  297. My Rival
  298. Profane Poet
  299. The Return
  300. The Aftermath
  301. The Soldier of Fortune
  302. Sailor Son
  303. Failure
  304. Accordion
  305. The Ape and God
  306. Belated Bard
  307. The Bliss of Ignorance
  308. The Silent Ones
  309. The Blood-Red Fourragere
  310. Matador
  311. I Will Not Fight
  312. Seville
  313. The Host
  314. Einstein
  315. Lindy Lou
  316. The Harpy
  317. The Shorter Catechism
  318. To a Tycoon
  319. Strip Teaser
  320. Surtax
  321. Sensibility
  322. May Miracle
  323. The Pines
  324. Jane
  325. Celebates
  326. My Bear
  327. Sacrifice
  328. The Smoking Frog
  329. Babette
  330. My Hour
  331. Conqueror
  332. Hobo
  333. Horatio
  334. Kathleen
  335. Rose Leaves
  336. Young Mother
  337. Stupidity
  338. The Damned
  339. Tourist ('Twas in a village in Lorraine)
  340. Evenfall
  341. The Under-Dogs
  342. Mike
  343. The Healer
  344. The Enigma
  345. Causation
  346. The Prospector
  347. Facility
  348. Fleurette
  349. Erico
  350. Tom
  351. The Front Tooth
  352. Playboy
  353. Room 4: The Painter Chap
  354. Post Office Romance
  355. Room Ghost
  356. Mammy
  357. Pantheist
  358. Joey
  359. Land Mine
  360. Grey Gull
  361. My Childhood God
  362. The Junior God
  363. Spats
  364. The Alcázar
  365. The Great Recall
  366. Cardiac
  367. To Frank Dodd
  368. Sea Change
  369. Obesity
  370. Patches
  371. Pooch
  372. Our Hero
  373. Dark Glasses
  374. Unholy Trinity
  375. The Hand
  376. Ernie Pyle
  377. Retired
  378. Bill The Bomber
  379. At the Golden Pig
  380. Freethinker
  381. The Robbers
  382. Prelude (To smite Apollo's lyre I am unable)
  383. My White Mouse
  384. The Missal Makers
  385. Procreation
  386. Ignorance
  387. My Mate
  388. An Epicure
  389. The Sum-Up
  390. Include Me Out
  391. Quatrains
  392. The Judgement
  393. The Mother (Your children grow from you apart)
  394. My Calendar
  395. Victory Stuff
  396. Divine Detachment
  397. Willie
  398. The Idealist
  399. The Bohemian Dreams
  400. Visibility
  401. Toledo
  402. Poor Kid
  403. Stowaway
  404. Washerwife
  405. Sea Sorcery
  406. Portent
  407. Ragetty Doll
  408. Prelude (They say that rhyme and rhythm are)
  409. My Masters
  410. The Man from Eldorado
  411. The Search (Happiness, a-roving round)
  412. Bindle Stiff
  413. No More Music
  414. Old Sweethearts
  415. The Nostomaniac
  416. My Suicide
  417. Prelude (In youth I gnawed life's bitter rind)
  418. Poet's Path
  419. Pedlar
  420. The Bulls
  421. The Wee Shop
  422. L'Envoi (Ever in the ebb and flow)
  423. Reverence
  424. The Locket
  425. Security
  426. Slugging Saint
  427. Old Codger
  428. Humility (I met upon a narrow way)
  429. Resolutions

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