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Poem by Robert William Service


I had a dream, a dream of dread:
I thought that horror held the house;
A burglar bent above my bed,
He moved as quiet as a mouse.
With hairy hand and naked knife
He poised to plunge a bloody stroke,
Until despairful of my life
I shrieked with terror; and awoke.

I had a dream of weary woes:
In weather that was fit to freeze,
I thought that I had lost my cloths,
And only wore a short chemise.
The wind was wild; so catch a train
I ran, but no advance did make;
My legs were pistoning in vain -
How I was happy to awake!

I had a dream: Upon the stair
I met a maid who kissed my lips;
A nightie was her only wear,
We almost came to loving grips.
And then she opened wide a door,
And pointed to a bonny bed...
Oh blast! I wakened up before
I could discover; were we wed?

Alas! Those dreams of broken bliss,
Of wakenings too sadly soon!
With memories of sticky kiss,
And limbs so languidly a-swoon!
Alas those nightmares devil driven!
Those pantless prowlings in Pall Mall!
Oh why should some dreams be like heaven
And others so resemble hell?

Robert William Service

Robert William Service's other poems:
  1. The Front Tooth
  2. Washerwife
  3. Procreation
  4. Intolerance
  5. Spats

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • John Dryden Dreams ("Dreams are but interludes which Fancy makes")
  • Robert Herrick Dreams ("Here we are all, by day; by night we're hurl'd")
  • Anne Brontë Dreams ("While on my lonely couch I lie")
  • John Newman Dreams ("OH! miserable power")
  • Caroline Norton Dreams ("SURELY I heard a voice-surely my name")
  • Edgar Poe Dreams ("Oh! that my young life were a lasting dream!")
  • Amy Lowell Dreams ("I do not care to talk to you although")
  • Henry Timrod Dreams ("Who first said "false as dreams?" Not one who saw")

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