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Poem by Robert William Service

Ant Hill

Black ants have made a musty mound
My purple pine tree under,
And I am often to be found,
Regarding it with wonder.
Yet as I watch, somehow it;s odd,
Above their busy striving
I feel like an ironic god
Surveying human striving.
Then one day came my serving maid,
And just in time I caught her,
For on each lusty arm she weighed
A pail of boiling water.
She said with glee: "When this I spill,
Of life they'll soon be lacking."
Said I: "If even one you kill,
You bitch! I'll send you packing."

Just think; ten thousand eager lives
In that toil-worn upcasting,
Their homes, their babies and their wives
Destroyed in one fell blasting!
Imagine that swift-scalding hell!..
And though, mayhap, it seems a
Fantastic, far-fetched parallel -
Remember... Hiroshima.

Robert William Service

Robert William Service's other poems:
  1. Resolutions
  2. Old Sweethearts
  3. Prelude (In youth I gnawed life's bitter rind)
  4. Reverence
  5. The Locket

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