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Christian Milne (1773-1816)

The Rating of Christian Milne's Poems

  1. The Captive Sailor
  2. A Prayer
  3. To a Lady Who Said It Was Sinful to Read Novels
  4. The Parting
  5. To Peace
  6. Written in September, 1804
  7. The Shipwreck
  8. On My Wedding Gown
  9. Address to the Shade of Burns
  10. Written in a State of Suspence
  11. Introductory Verses
  12. Written during His Majesty’s Illness, February, 1804
  13. On Buonaparte's Coronation
  14. Written on My Little Girl’s
  15. To My Husband, on the Return of Our Wedding Day
  16. Painful Anxiety
  17. Sent with a Flower-Pot Begging a Slip of Geranium
  18. On a Blank Leaf of the Bible
  19. Painful Reflections When Sick
  20. Written When My Husband Was at Sea
  21. On a Lady
  22. Written during a State of Illness
  23. Song 4 (DEIGN to love me, charming MARY!)
  24. The Inconstant Lover
  25. To a Lady, Who Did Me the Honour to Call at My House
  26. Written in Early Spring, 1795
  27. Song 2 (AT eve, when Dee's transparent stream)
  28. The Sailor’s Adieu
  29. To a Very Imprudent Young Woman
  30. Written on the Morning of the Communion Sabbath
  31. When in Dread of My Husband’s Safety at Sea

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