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Poem by Christian Milne

Song 4 (DEIGN to love me, charming MARY!)


DEIGN to love me, charming MARY!
Deign to love me, charming MARY!
Ease this love-sick heart of mine
By kind returns of love, sweet MARY!
Long at thy beauty's shrine I've bow'd,
With love unfeign'd and true, sweet MARY!
To offer incense there I've vow'd,
Tho' I'm repuls'd by you, sweet MARY!
Deign to, &c.
I often try to break the chain
That binds my heart to thee, sweet MARY!
But, ah! the effort gives such pain,
'Tis death must set me free, sweet MARY!
Deign to, &c.
Ere I became thy beauty's slave,
My bosom knew no care, sweet MARY!
But now I seek the lonely cave,
Which echo's my despair, sweet MARY!
Deign to, &c.
O! lay aside the cold disdain
That clouds thy lovely brow, sweet MARY!
And smile consenting on your swain,
Whose bliss depends on you, sweet MARY!
Deign to love me, charming MARY!
Deign to love me, charming MARY!
Ease this love-sick heart of mine
By kind returns of love, sweet MARY!

Christian Milne

Christian Milne's other poems:
  1. Written on the Morning of the Communion Sabbath
  2. The Sailor’s Adieu
  3. When in Dread of My Husband’s Safety at Sea
  4. To a Very Imprudent Young Woman
  5. To a Lady, Who Did Me the Honour to Call at My House

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