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Michael Drayton (1563-1631)
Майкл Дрейтон (Michael Drayton)

The Rating of Michael Drayton's Poems

  1. The Battle of Agincourt
  2. Sonnet 61. Since there's no Help
  3. Sonnet 11. You not Alone
  4. Sonnet 6. How Many Paltry Foolish Painted Things
  5. Sonnet 62. When First I Ended, then I First Began
  6. Sonnet 63. Truce, Gentle Love, a Parley Now I Crave
  7. Sonnet 8. There's Nothing Grieves Me
  8. To the Virginian Voyage
  9. Sonnet 20. An Evil Spirit
  10. Sonnet 50. As in Some Countries Far Remote from Hence
  11. Sonnet 26. I Ever Love
  12. Sonnet 13. Letters and Lines
  13. Sonnet 44. Whilst thus My Pen Strives
  14. Sonnet 52. What? Dost thou Mean to Cheat Me of My Heart?
  15. Sonnet 5. Nothing but
  16. Sonnet 12. That Learned Father
  17. Sonnet 59. As Love and I
  18. Sonnet 54. Yet Read at last the Story of My Woe
  19. Sonnet 4. Bright Star of Beauty
  20. Sonnet 15. Since to Obtain thee Nothing will be Stead
  21. Sonnet 49. Thou Leaden Brain
  22. Sonnet 1. Like an Advent'rous Seafarer
  23. Sonnet 32. Our Flood's-Queen Thames
  24. Sonnet 21. A Witless Gallant
  25. To the Reader of These Sonnets
  26. Sonnet 34. Marvel not, Love
  27. Sonnet 10. To Nothing Fitter Can I thee Compare
  28. Sonnet 33. Whilst Yet Mine Eyes Do Surfeit With Delight
  29. Sonnet 43. Why should Your Fair Eyes
  30. Sonnet 51. Calling to Mind
  31. Sonnet 29. When Conquering Love
  32. Sonnet 40. My Heart the Anvil
  33. Sonnet 31. Methinks I See Some Crooked Mimic Jeer
  34. Sonnet 58. In Former Times
  35. Sonnet 53. Clear Anker
  36. Sonnet 41. Why Do I Speak of Joy
  37. Sonnet 17. Stay, Speedy Time
  38. Sonnet 24. I Hear Some Say
  39. Roc
  40. The Trent (NEAR to the silver Trent)
  41. Sonnet 30. Those Priests which First the Vestal Fire Begun
  42. Sonnet 60. Define my Weal
  43. Sonnet 55. My Fair
  44. Sonnet 35. Some, Misbelieving and Profane in Love
  45. Sonnet 3. Taking my Pen
  46. Sonnet 7. Love in a Humor Play'd the Prodigal
  47. Sonnet 45. Muses, which Sadly Sit about My Chair
  48. Sonnet 25. O Why should Nature Niggardly Restrain
  49. An Ode Written in the Peak
  50. Sonnet 22. With Fools and Children
  51. Sonnet 38. Sitting Alone, Love
  52. Sonnet 2. My Heart was Slain
  53. Sonnet 28. To Such as Say thy Love I Overprize
  54. Sonnet 47. In Pride of Wit
  55. Sonnet 27. Is not Love
  56. Sonnet 57. You Best Discern'd of my Mind's Inward Eyes
  57. Sonnet 19. You Cannot Love
  58. Sonnet 36. Thou Purblind Boy
  59. Sonnet 56. When like an Eaglet I First Found My Love
  60. Sonnet 14. If He From Heav'n
  61. Sonnet 42. Some Men there Be which like My Method Well
  62. Sonnet 18. To this our World
  63. Sonnet 9. As Other Men
  64. Sonnet 23. Love, Banish'd Heav'n
  65. Sonnet 39. Some, when in Rhyme They of their Loves do Tell
  66. Sonnet 46. Plain-path'd Experience
  67. Sonnet 16. Mongst all the Creatures in this Spacious Round
  68. Sonnet 48. Cupid, I Hate thee
  69. Sonnet 37. Dear, why should You Command Me to My Rest

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