Michael Drayton (1563-1631) English poet

Poems by Michael Drayton - An Ode Written in the Peak
- Roc
- Sonnet 1. Like an Advent'rous Seafarer
- Sonnet 2. My Heart was Slain
- Sonnet 3. Taking my Pen
- Sonnet 4. Bright Star of Beauty
- Sonnet 5. Nothing but
- Sonnet 6. How Many Paltry Foolish Painted Things
- Sonnet 7. Love in a Humor Play'd the Prodigal
- Sonnet 8. There's Nothing Grieves Me
- Sonnet 9. As Other Men
- Sonnet 10. To Nothing Fitter Can I thee Compare
- Sonnet 11. You not Alone
- Sonnet 12. That Learned Father
- Sonnet 13. Letters and Lines
- Sonnet 14. If He From Heav'n
- Sonnet 15. Since to Obtain thee Nothing will be Stead
- Sonnet 16. Mongst all the Creatures in this Spacious Round
- Sonnet 17. Stay, Speedy Time
- Sonnet 18. To this our World
- Sonnet 19. You Cannot Love
- Sonnet 20. An Evil Spirit
- Sonnet 21. A Witless Gallant
- Sonnet 22. With Fools and Children
- Sonnet 23. Love, Banish'd Heav'n
- Sonnet 24. I Hear Some Say
- Sonnet 25. O Why should Nature Niggardly Restrain
- Sonnet 26. I Ever Love
- Sonnet 27. Is not Love
- Sonnet 28. To Such as Say thy Love I Overprize
- Sonnet 29. When Conquering Love
- Sonnet 30. Those Priests which First the Vestal Fire Begun
- Sonnet 31. Methinks I See Some Crooked Mimic Jeer
- Sonnet 32. Our Flood's-Queen Thames
- Sonnet 33. Whilst Yet Mine Eyes Do Surfeit With Delight
- Sonnet 34. Marvel not, Love
- Sonnet 35. Some, Misbelieving and Profane in Love
- Sonnet 36. Thou Purblind Boy
- Sonnet 37. Dear, why should You Command Me to My Rest
- Sonnet 38. Sitting Alone, Love
- Sonnet 39. Some, when in Rhyme They of their Loves do Tell
- Sonnet 40. My Heart the Anvil
- Sonnet 41. Why Do I Speak of Joy
- Sonnet 42. Some Men there Be which like My Method Well
- Sonnet 43. Why should Your Fair Eyes
- Sonnet 44. Whilst thus My Pen Strives
- Sonnet 45. Muses, which Sadly Sit about My Chair
- Sonnet 46. Plain-path'd Experience
- Sonnet 47. In Pride of Wit
- Sonnet 48. Cupid, I Hate thee
- Sonnet 49. Thou Leaden Brain
- Sonnet 50. As in Some Countries Far Remote from Hence
- Sonnet 51. Calling to Mind
- Sonnet 52. What? Dost thou Mean to Cheat Me of My Heart?
- Sonnet 53. Clear Anker
- Sonnet 54. Yet Read at last the Story of My Woe
- Sonnet 55. My Fair
- Sonnet 56. When like an Eaglet I First Found My Love
- Sonnet 57. You Best Discern'd of my Mind's Inward Eyes
- Sonnet 58. In Former Times
- Sonnet 59. As Love and I
- Sonnet 60. Define my Weal
- Sonnet 61. Since there's no Help
- Sonnet 62. When First I Ended, then I First Began
- Sonnet 63. Truce, Gentle Love, a Parley Now I Crave
- The Battle of Agincourt
- The Trent (NEAR to the silver Trent)
- To the Reader of These Sonnets
- To the Virginian Voyage
The Rating of Michael Drayton's Poems
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