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Poem by Michael Drayton

Sonnet 3. Taking my Pen

Taking my pen, with words to cast my woe,
Duly to count the sum of all my cares,
I find my griefs innumerable grow,
The reckonings rise to millions of despairs;
And thus dividing of my fatal hours,
The payments of my love I read and cross,
Subtracting, set my sweets unto my sours,
My joy's arrearage leads me to my loss;
And thus mine eye's a debtor to thine eye,
Which by extortion gaineth all their looks;
My heart hath paid such grievous usury
That all their wealth lies in thy beauty's books,
    And all is thine which hath been due to me, 
    And I a bankrupt, quite undone by thee.

Michael Drayton

Michael Drayton's other poems:
  1. Sonnet 37. Dear, why should You Command Me to My Rest
  2. Sonnet 16. Mongst all the Creatures in this Spacious Round
  3. Sonnet 48. Cupid, I Hate thee
  4. Sonnet 9. As Other Men
  5. Sonnet 23. Love, Banish'd Heav'n

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