Томас Мур. Переводы стихотворений. (Thomas Moore. Translations)

на датский (Danish)
• From “Irish Melodies”. 37. The Origin of the Harp (Tis believed that this Harp, which I wake now for thee) • From “Irish Melodies”. 69. Come, Rest in This Bosom (Come, Rest in This Bosom)
на испанский (Spanish)
• From “Irish Melodies”. 1. Go Where Glory Waits Thee (Go where glory waits thee)
на немецкий (German)
• A Dream (I thought this heart enkindled lay) • Bright Be Thy Dreams (Bright be thy dreams -- may all thy weeping) • From “Irish Melodies”. 1. Go Where Glory Waits Thee (Go where glory waits thee) • From “Irish Melodies”. 25. Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms (Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms) • From “Irish Melodies”. 37. The Origin of the Harp (Tis believed that this Harp, which I wake now for thee) • From “Irish Melodies”. 54. The Young May Moon (The young May moon is beaming, love) • From “Irish Melodies”. 62. Come O'er the Sea (Come O'er the Sea) • From “Irish Melodies”. 69. Come, Rest in This Bosom (Come, Rest in This Bosom) • Those Evening Bells (Those evening bells! Those evening bells!) • To the Fire‑Fly (At morning, when the earth and sky)
на французский (French)
• From “Irish Melodies”. 37. The Origin of the Harp (Tis believed that this Harp, which I wake now for thee) • Those Evening Bells (Those evening bells! Those evening bells!)
на шведский (Swedish)
• From “Irish Melodies”. 11. As a Beam O’er the Face of the Waters May Glow (AS a beam o’er the face of the waters may glow) • From “Irish Melodies”. 118. Oh! Arranmore, Loved Arranmore (Oh! Arranmore, loved Arranmore)
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