Алджернон Чарльз Суинбёрн (Algernon Charles Swinburne) (1837-1909)
Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Гермафродит • Hermaphroditus
- Джон Форд • John Ford
- Four Songs of Four Seasons
- Сад Прозерпины • The Garden of Prosperine
- Итис • Itylus
- The Triumph of Time
- A Christmas Carol
- A Ballad of Dreamland
- Chorus
- Hope and Fear
- Love and Sleep
- Прощание • A Leave-Taking
- Рококо • Rococo
- Wasted Love
- A Baby's Death
- Anactoria
- A Match
- A Forsaken Garden
- Hertha
- At Sea
- Cor Cordium
- Sestina
- To William Bell Scott
- A Ballad of Death
- Birth and Death
- In Harbour
- First Footsteps
- Before Dawn
- Before the Mirror
- The Oblation
- Not a Child
- A Baby's Feet
- The Salt of the Earth
- Tenebrae
- The Leper
- To Victor Hugo
- A Cameo
- Death and Birth
- An Appeal
- Dead Love
- Nephelidia
- Change
- To a Cat
- August
- Love Lies Bleeding
- Mater Dolorosa
- A Jacobite's Exile
- Siena
- The Litany of Nations
- A Channel Crossing
- Before Parting
- The Sea-Swallows
- After Death
- A Ballad of Burdens
- On the Russian Persecution of the Jews
- Cleopatra
- The Way of the Wind
- Faustine
- Origami
- In the Bay
- Super Flumina Babylonis
- The Sundew
- A Ninth Birthday
- Envoi
- Dickens
- Time and Life
- Ave Atque Vale
- The Pilgrims
- The Roundel
- The Bloody Sun
- The Complaint of Lisa
- Sonnet for a Picture
- Messidor
- Plus Ultra
- Mourning
- Genesis
- In Memory of Walter Savage Landor
- To Walt Whitman in America
- On the Downs
- A Swimmer's Dream
- Madona Mia
- Before Sunset
- In San Lorenzo
- To Catullus
- Choriambics
- A Ballad of Life
- Laus Veneris
- Hendecasyllabics
Все стихотворения • All poems
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