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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Archibald Lampman (Арчибальд Лампмен)


HOW still it is here in the woods. The trees
    Stand motionless, as if they do not dare
    To stir, lest it should break the spell. The air
Hangs quiet as spaces in a marble frieze.
Even this little brook, that runs at ease,
    Whispering and gurgling in its knotted bed,
    Seems but to deepen with its curling thread
Of sound the shadowy sun-pierced silences.

Sometimes a hawk screams or a woodpecker
    Startles the stillness from its fixèd mood
With his loud careless tap. Sometimes I hear
       The dreamy white-throat from some far-off tree
    Pipe slowly on the listening solitude
       His five pure notes succeeding pensively. 

Archibald Lampman's other poems:
  1. Distance
  2. Heat
  3. Forest Moods
  4. An Impression
  5. Why Do Ye Call the Poet Lonely

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • George Byron (Джордж Байрон) Solitude ("To sit on rocks, to muse o’er flood and fell")
  • Alan Milne (Алан Милн) Solitude ("I have a house where I go")
  • George Crabbe (Джордж Крэбб) Solitude ("Free from envy, strife and sorrow")
  • John Newman (Джон Ньюмен) Solitude ("There is in stillness oft a magic power")
  • Henry White (Генри Уайт) Solitude ("It is not that my lot is low")

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