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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (Эмили Дикинсон)

* * *

Afraid? Of whom am I afraid?
Not death; for who is he?
The porter of my father's lodge
As much abasheth me.

Of life? 'T were odd I fear a thing
That comprehendeth me
In one or more existences
At Deity's decree.

Of resurrection? Is the east
Afraid to trust the morn
With her fastidious forehead?
As soon impeach my crown!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson's other poems:
  1. So Bashful When I Spied Her
  2. As Children Bid the Guest Good-Night
  3. On This Long Storm the Rainbow Rose
  4. It Was Too Late for Man
  5. I Shall Know Why, When Time Is Over

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