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Thomas Moore (Томас Мур)

From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 47

’Tis true, my fading years decline,
Yet can I quaff the brimming wine,
As deep as any stripling fair,
Whose cheeks the flush of morning wear;
And if, amidst the wanton crew
I’m call’d to wind the dance’s clue,
Then shalt thou see this vigorous hand,
Not faltering on the Bacchant’s wand,
But brandishing a rosy flask.
The only thyrsus e’er I’ll ask.
            Let those who pant for Glory’s charms,
Embrace her in the field of arms;
While my inglorious placid soul
Breathes not a wish beyond this bowl.
Then fill it high, my ruddy slave,
And bathe me in its brimming wave.
For though my fading years decay,
Though manhood’s prime hath pass’d away,
Like old Silenus, sire divine,
With blushes borrow’d from my wine,
I’ll wanton ’mid the dancing train,
And live my follies o’er again!

Thomas Moore's other poems:
  1. From “Irish Melodies”. 47. What the Bee Is to the Floweret
  2. From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 16
  3. From “Irish Melodies”. 3. Erin! The Tear and the Smile in Thine Eyes
  4. From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 32
  5. From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 74

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