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Thomas Moore (Томас Мур)

From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 20

One day the Muses twined the hands
Of infant Love with flowery bands;
And to celestial Beauty gave
The captive infant for her slave.
His mother comes, with many a toy,
To ransom her beloved boy;
His mother sues, but all in vain,--
He ne'er will leave his chains again.
Even should they take his chains away,
The little captive still would stay.
"If this," he cries, "a bondage be,
Oh, who could wish for liberty?"

Thomas Moore's other poems:
  1. From “Irish Melodies”. 47. What the Bee Is to the Floweret
  2. From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 16
  3. From “Irish Melodies”. 3. Erin! The Tear and the Smile in Thine Eyes
  4. From “The Odes of Anacreon”. Ode 32
  5. From “Irish Melodies”. 123. From This Hour the Pledge Is Given

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