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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Katherine Mansfield (Кэтрин Мэнсфилд)


Most merciful God
Look kindly upon
An impudent child
Who wants sitting on.
This evening late
I went to the door
And then to the gate
There were more stars--more
Than I could have expected,
Even I!
I was amazed,
Almighty, August!
I was utterly dazed,
Omnipotent! Just
In a word I was floored,
Good God of Hosts--Lord!
That at this time of day
They should still blaze away,
That thou hadst not rejected
Or at least circumspected
Their white silver beauty--
Was it spite? Was it duty?

Katherine Mansfield's other poems:
  1. Villa Pauline
  2. The Family
  3. A Day in Bed
  4. Sleeping Together
  5. The Awakening River

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Emily Brontë (Эмили Бронте) Stars ("Ah! why, because the dazzling sun")
  • Menella Smedley (Менелла Смедли) Stars ("How pretty is each little star")
  • Joyce Kilmer (Джойс Килмер) Stars (" Bright stars, yellow stars, flashing through the air")
  • Robert Frost (Роберт Фрост) Stars ("How countlessly they congregate")
  • Wallace Thurman (Уоллес Турман) Stars ("Earth turns")

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