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Philip Sidney (1554-1586)
Ôèëèï Ñèäíè (Philip Sidney)

The Rating of Philip Sidney's Poems

  1. Sonnet 60. When My Good Angel Guides Me
  2. Sonnet 1. Loving In Truth
  3. Sonnet 2. Not at First Sight
  4. Sonnet 39. Come, Sleep!
  5. Sonnet 31. With How Sad Steps, O Moon
  6. Sonnet 5. It Is Most True
  7. Sonnet 71. Who will in Fairest Book of Nature Know
  8. Sonnet 4. Virtue, Alas, Now Let Me Take Some Rest
  9. Sonnet 14. Alas, Have I Not
  10. Sonnet 6. Some Lovers Speak
  11. Sonnet 32. Morpheus The Lively Son
  12. Sonnet 38. This Night While Sleep Begins
  13. Sonnet 20. Fly, Fly, My Friends
  14. Sonnet 7. When Nature
  15. Sonnet 33. I Might
  16. Sonnet 40. As Good To Write
  17. Sonnet 108. When Sorrow
  18. Sonnet 11. In Truth, Oh Love
  19. Sonnet 27. Because I Oft
  20. Sonnet 3. Let Dainty Wits Cry on the Sisters Nine
  21. Sonnet 35. What May Words Say
  22. Sonnet 34. Come Let Me Write
  23. Sonnet 89. Now, That Of Absence
  24. Sonnet 41. Having This Day My Horse
  25. Sonnet 10. Reason
  26. Sonnet 52. A Strife is Grown between Virtue and Love
  27. Sonnet 59. Dear, Why Make You More
  28. Sonnet 45. Stella Oft Sees
  29. Sonnet 21. Your Words, My Friend
  30. Sonnet 18. With What Sharp Checks
  31. Sonnet 63. Oh Grammar Rules
  32. Sonnet 82. Nymph Of The Garden
  33. Sonnet 81. Oh Kiss, Which Dost
  34. Sonnet 36. Stella, Whence Doth This
  35. Sonnet 47. What, Have I Thus Betray'D
  36. Sonnet 101. Stella Is Sick
  37. Sonnet 54. Because I Breathe
  38. Sonnet 9. Queen Virtue's Court
  39. Sonnet 44. My Words, I Know Do Well
  40. Sonnet 8. Love, Born In Greece
  41. Sonnet 17. His Mother Dear Cupid
  42. Sonnet 24. Rich Fools There Be
  43. Sonnet 16. In Nature Apt
  44. Sonnet 22. In Highest Way Of Heav'N
  45. Sonnet 77. Those Looks, Whose Beams Be Joy
  46. Sonnet 19. On Cupid's Bow
  47. Sonnet 23. The Curious Wits
  48. Sonnet 68. Stella, The Only Planet
  49. Sonnet 15. You That Do Search
  50. Sonnet 25. The Wisest Scholar
  51. Sonnet 12. Cupid, Because Thou
  52. Sonnet 84. Highway, since You my Chief Parnassus be
  53. Sonnet 50. Stella, The Fullness Of My Thoughts
  54. Sonnet 102. Where Be Those Roses Gone
  55. Sonnet 79. Sweet Kiss, Thy Sweets I Fain
  56. Sonnet 87. When I was Forced from Stella, ever Dear
  57. Sonnet 13. Phoebus Was Judge
  58. Sonnet 103. Oh Happy Thames
  59. Sonnet 43. Fair Eyes, Sweet Lips
  60. Sonnet 73. Love Still A Boy
  61. Sonnet 78. Oh How The Pleasant Airs
  62. Sonnet 67. Hope, Art Thou True
  63. Sonnet 30. Whether The Turkish New Moon
  64. Sonnet 26. Though Dusty Wits
  65. Sonnet 37. My Mouth Doth Water
  66. Sonnet 96. Thought, With Good Cause
  67. Sonnet 42. Oh Eyes, Which Do The Spheres
  68. Sonnet 104. Envious Wits
  69. Sonnet 28. You That With Allegory's Curious Frame
  70. Sonnet 74. I Never Drank
  71. Sonnet 105. Unhappy Sight
  72. Sonnet 61. Oft With True Sighs
  73. Sonnet 65. Love By Sure Proof
  74. Sonnet 85. I See The House
  75. Sonnet 107. Stella, Since Thou So Right
  76. Sonnet 64. No More, My Dear
  77. Sonnet 53. In Martial Sports
  78. Sonnet 46. I Curs'D Thee Oft
  79. Sonnet 51. Pardon Mine Ears
  80. Sonnet 99. When Far-Spent Night
  81. Sonnet 29. Like Some Weak Lords
  82. Sonnet 49. I on my Horse, and Love
  83. Sonnet 69. Oh Joy, Too High For My Low Style
  84. Sonnet 66. And Do I See Some Cause
  85. Sonnet 55. Muses, I Oft Invoked
  86. Sonnet 62. Late, Tir'D With Woe
  87. Sonnet 92. Be Your Words Made
  88. Sonnet 90. Stella, Think Not That I
  89. Sonnet 88. Out, Traitor Absence
  90. Sonnet 94. Grief Find The Words
  91. Sonnet 56. Fie, School Of Patience
  92. Sonnet 106. Oh Absent Presence
  93. Sonnet 57. Woe, Having Made With Many Fights
  94. Sonnet 95. Yet Sighs, Dear Sighs
  95. Sonnet 70. My Muse May Well Grudge
  96. Sonnet 72. Desire, Though Thou My Old Companion Art
  97. Sonnet 48. Soul's Joy, Bend Not
  98. Sonnet 86. Alas, Whence Come This Change Of Looks?
  99. Sonnet 100. Oh Tears, No Tears
  100. Sonnet 91. Stella While Now
  101. Sonnet 83. Good, Brother Philip
  102. Sonnet 76. She Comes, And Straight Therewith
  103. Sonnet 58. Doubt There Hath Been
  104. Sonnet 98. Ah Bed, The Field Where Joy's Peace
  105. Sonnet 97. Dian, That Fain Would Cheer
  106. Sonnet 93. Oh Fate, Oh Fault
  107. Sonnet 80. Sweet Swelling Lip
  108. Sonnet 75. Of All The Kings
  109. You Gote-Heard Gods
  110. Thou Blind Man's Mark
  111. Voices at the Window
  112. A Ditty
  113. Psalm 23
  114. The Bargain
  115. Philomela
  116. Ring Out Your Bells
  117. Leave Me, O Love, Which Reachest But to Dust

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