Philip Sidney (1554-1586) English author and statesman

Poems by Philip Sidney - A Ditty
- “Leave Me, O Love, Which Reachest But to Dust”
- Philomela
- Psalm 23
- “Ring Out Your Bells”
- Sonnet 1. Loving In Truth
- Sonnet 2. Not at First Sight
- Sonnet 3. Let Dainty Wits Cry on the Sisters Nine
- Sonnet 4. Virtue, Alas, Now Let Me Take Some Rest
- Sonnet 5. It Is Most True
- Sonnet 6. Some Lovers Speak
- Sonnet 7. When Nature
- Sonnet 8. Love, Born In Greece
- Sonnet 9. Queen Virtue's Court
- Sonnet 10. Reason
- Sonnet 11. In Truth, Oh Love
- Sonnet 12. Cupid, Because Thou
- Sonnet 13. Phoebus Was Judge
- Sonnet 14. Alas, Have I Not
- Sonnet 15. You That Do Search
- Sonnet 16. In Nature Apt
- Sonnet 17. His Mother Dear Cupid
- Sonnet 18. With What Sharp Checks
- Sonnet 19. On Cupid's Bow
- Sonnet 20. Fly, Fly, My Friends
- Sonnet 21. Your Words, My Friend
- Sonnet 22. In Highest Way Of Heav'N
- Sonnet 23. The Curious Wits
- Sonnet 24. Rich Fools There Be
- Sonnet 25. The Wisest Scholar
- Sonnet 26. Though Dusty Wits
- Sonnet 27. Because I Oft
- Sonnet 28. You That With Allegory's Curious Frame
- Sonnet 29. Like Some Weak Lords
- Sonnet 30. Whether The Turkish New Moon
- Sonnet 31. With How Sad Steps, O Moon
- Sonnet 32. Morpheus The Lively Son
- Sonnet 33. I Might
- Sonnet 34. Come Let Me Write
- Sonnet 35. What May Words Say
- Sonnet 36. Stella, Whence Doth This
- Sonnet 37. My Mouth Doth Water
- Sonnet 38. This Night While Sleep Begins
- Sonnet 39. Come, Sleep!
- Sonnet 40. As Good To Write
- Sonnet 41. Having This Day My Horse
- Sonnet 42. Oh Eyes, Which Do The Spheres
- Sonnet 43. Fair Eyes, Sweet Lips
- Sonnet 44. My Words, I Know Do Well
- Sonnet 45. Stella Oft Sees
- Sonnet 46. I Curs'D Thee Oft
- Sonnet 47. What, Have I Thus Betray'D
- Sonnet 48. Soul's Joy, Bend Not
- Sonnet 49. I on my Horse, and Love
- Sonnet 50. Stella, The Fullness Of My Thoughts
- Sonnet 51. Pardon Mine Ears
- Sonnet 52. A Strife is Grown between Virtue and Love
- Sonnet 53. In Martial Sports
- Sonnet 54. Because I Breathe
- Sonnet 55. Muses, I Oft Invoked
- Sonnet 56. Fie, School Of Patience
- Sonnet 57. Woe, Having Made With Many Fights
- Sonnet 58. Doubt There Hath Been
- Sonnet 59. Dear, Why Make You More
- Sonnet 60. When My Good Angel Guides Me
- Sonnet 61. Oft With True Sighs
- Sonnet 62. Late, Tir'D With Woe
- Sonnet 63. Oh Grammar Rules
- Sonnet 64. No More, My Dear
- Sonnet 65. Love By Sure Proof
- Sonnet 66. And Do I See Some Cause
- Sonnet 67. Hope, Art Thou True
- Sonnet 68. Stella, The Only Planet
- Sonnet 69. Oh Joy, Too High For My Low Style
- Sonnet 70. My Muse May Well Grudge
- Sonnet 71. Who will in Fairest Book of Nature Know
- Sonnet 72. Desire, Though Thou My Old Companion Art
- Sonnet 73. Love Still A Boy
- Sonnet 74. I Never Drank
- Sonnet 75. Of All The Kings
- Sonnet 76. She Comes, And Straight Therewith
- Sonnet 77. Those Looks, Whose Beams Be Joy
- Sonnet 78. Oh How The Pleasant Airs
- Sonnet 79. Sweet Kiss, Thy Sweets I Fain
- Sonnet 80. Sweet Swelling Lip
- Sonnet 81. Oh Kiss, Which Dost
- Sonnet 82. Nymph Of The Garden
- Sonnet 83. Good, Brother Philip
- Sonnet 84. Highway, since You my Chief Parnassus be
- Sonnet 85. I See The House
- Sonnet 86. Alas, Whence Come This Change Of Looks?
- Sonnet 87. When I was Forced from Stella, ever Dear
- Sonnet 88. Out, Traitor Absence
- Sonnet 89. Now, That Of Absence
- Sonnet 90. Stella, Think Not That I
- Sonnet 91. Stella While Now
- Sonnet 92. Be Your Words Made
- Sonnet 93. Oh Fate, Oh Fault
- Sonnet 94. Grief Find The Words
- Sonnet 95. Yet Sighs, Dear Sighs
- Sonnet 96. Thought, With Good Cause
- Sonnet 97. Dian, That Fain Would Cheer
- Sonnet 98. Ah Bed, The Field Where Joy's Peace
- Sonnet 99. When Far-Spent Night
- Sonnet 100. Oh Tears, No Tears
- Sonnet 101. Stella Is Sick
- Sonnet 102. Where Be Those Roses Gone
- Sonnet 103. Oh Happy Thames
- Sonnet 104. Envious Wits
- Sonnet 105. Unhappy Sight
- Sonnet 106. Oh Absent Presence
- Sonnet 107. Stella, Since Thou So Right
- Sonnet 108. When Sorrow
- The Bargain
- “Thou Blind Man's Mark”
- Voices at the Window
- “You Gote-Heard Gods”
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