Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400)

The Rating of Geoffrey Chaucer's Poems - Truth
- The Parlement of Foules
- The Boke of the Duchesse
- A Ballad Sent to King Richard
- The Miller's Tale
- Rondel of Merciless Beauty
- A Balade of Complaint
- Fortune
- An ABC
- Since I from Love
- Lak of Stedfastnesse
- Virelay
- La Priere de Nostre Dame
- Roundel
- Proverbs
- Against Women Unconstant
- Good Counsel of Chaucer
- Chaucer's Prophecy
- A Ballad of Gentleness
- To Rosemounde
- Anelida and Arcite
- Chaucer's Words to His Scrivener
- Gentilesse
- To Life's Pilgrim
- Merciles Beaute
All Poems
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