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Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400)
Geoffrey Chaucer

The Rating of Geoffrey Chaucer's Poems

  1. Truth
  2. The Parlement of Foules
  3. The Boke of the Duchesse
  4. A Ballad Sent to King Richard
  5. The Miller's Tale
  6. Rondel of Merciless Beauty
  7. A Balade of Complaint
  8. Fortune
  9. An ABC
  10. Since I from Love
  11. Lak of Stedfastnesse
  12. Virelay
  13. La Priere de Nostre Dame
  14. Roundel
  15. Proverbs
  16. Against Women Unconstant
  17. Good Counsel of Chaucer
  18. Chaucer's Prophecy
  19. A Ballad of Gentleness
  20. To Rosemounde
  21. Anelida and Arcite
  22. Chaucer's Words to His Scrivener
  23. Gentilesse
  24. To Life's Pilgrim
  25. Merciles Beaute

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