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Poem by Geoffrey Chaucer

Chaucer's Prophecy

When priestes failen in their saws,
And lordes turne Godde's laws
Against the right;
And lechery is holden as privy solace,
And robbery as free purchase,
Beware then of ill!
Then shall the Land of Albion
Turne to confusion,
As sometime it befell.

Ora pro Anglia Sancta Maria, quod Thomas Cantuaria.

Sweet Jesus, heaven's King,
Fair and best of all thing,
You bring us out of this mourning,
To come to thee at our ending! 

Geoffrey Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer's other poems:
  1. Merciles Beaute
  2. To Life's Pilgrim
  3. Gentilesse
  4. Chaucer's Words to His Scrivener
  5. Anelida and Arcite

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