English poetry

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Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
Thomas Hardy

The Rating of Thomas Hardy's Poems

  1. The Darkling Thrush
  2. Drummer Hodge
  3. The Woman I Met
  4. I Look Into My Glass
  5. Afterwards
  6. To Life
  7. In the Moonlight
  8. Birds at Winter Nightfall
  9. On the Departure Platform
  10. A Christmas Ghost Story
  11. The Souls of the Slain
  12. The Convergence of the Twain
  13. A Night in November
  14. She at His Funeral
  15. Your Last Drive
  16. The Impercipient
  17. To Lizbie Browne
  18. A Trampwoman's Tragedy
  19. The House of Hospitalities
  20. The Casterbridge Captains
  21. The Division
  22. The Farm Woman's Winter
  23. Shelley's Skylark
  24. Tess's Lament
  25. The Going of the Battery
  26. Departure (Southampton Docks: October, 1899)
  27. At the War Office, London
  28. New Year's Eve
  29. To an Unborn Pauper Child
  30. Epitaph on a Pessimist
  31. The Man He Killed
  32. Hap
  33. Without Ceremony
  34. A Wasted Illness
  35. A Poet
  36. The Elopement
  37. Under the Waterfall
  38. In the British Museum
  39. Heredity
  40. Quid Hic Agis?
  41. To the Moon
  42. The Later Autumn
  43. She, to Him. 1
  44. Ice on the Highway
  45. An August Midnight
  46. In Time of 'The Breaking of Nations'
  47. On a Fine Morning
  48. A Dream Or No
  49. The Broken Appointment
  50. A Meeting With Despair
  51. In Sherborne Abbey
  52. The Reminder
  53. Last Week in October
  54. Near Lanivet, 1872
  55. Her Secret
  56. The Minute before Meeting
  57. In Tenebris II
  58. A Kiss
  59. A Thunderstorm in Town
  60. Bags of Meat
  61. Epitaph
  62. Neutral Tones
  63. If It’s Ever Spring Again
  64. A Spot
  65. The Walk
  66. A Popular Personage at Home
  67. Song of Hope
  68. A Commonplace Day
  69. The Voice
  70. Ditty
  71. A Circular
  72. The Haunter
  73. Weathers
  74. A Poor Man and a Lady
  75. We Are Getting To The End
  76. A Week
  77. The Cheval-Glass
  78. The Burghers
  79. A Woman's Fancy
  80. Christmas: 1924
  81. To a Lady
  82. Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?
  83. Tolerance
  84. Places
  85. The Riddle
  86. I Need Not Go
  87. A Wet Night
  88. A House with a History
  89. To Outer Nature
  90. Beeny Cliff
  91. Embarcation
  92. His Visitor
  93. The Widow
  94. He Never Expected Much
  95. Between Us Now
  96. A Military Appointment
  97. We Sat at the Window
  98. The Alarm
  99. I Met a Man
  100. Channel Firing
  101. Green Slates
  102. The Dream-Follower
  103. A Backward Spring
  104. The Wind Blew Words
  105. His Immortality
  106. I Said to Love
  107. Autumn in King’s Hintock Park
  108. The Temporary the All
  109. Where the Picnic Was
  110. A Jog-Trot Pair
  111. Beyond the Last Lamp
  112. A Plaint to Man
  113. She Did Not Turn
  114. A January Night
  115. I Watched a Blackbird
  116. The Masked Face
  117. The Garden Seat
  118. A Merrymaking in Question
  119. I Sometimes Think as Here I Sit
  120. Lament
  121. The Satin Shoes
  122. Her Dilemma
  123. Forty Years Back
  124. A Sign-Seeker
  125. At the Draper’s
  126. At the Mill
  127. My Cicely
  128. The Sweet Hussy
  129. Doom and She
  130. Something Tapped
  131. Night in the Old Home
  132. Epitaph for George Moore
  133. Memory and I
  134. Aquae Sulis
  135. Lost Love
  136. In Vision I Roamed
  137. Rain on a Grave
  138. After the Visit
  139. I Was Not He
  140. A Death-Day Recalled
  141. The Ruined Maid
  142. Wives in the Sere
  143. A Confession to a Friend in Trouble
  144. Valenciennes
  145. Exeunt Omnes
  146. To Meet, or Otherwise
  147. A Wet August
  148. The Face at the Casement
  149. The Brother
  150. Rome: Building a New Street in the Ancient Quarter
  151. The Sick Battle-God
  152. A Dream Question
  153. A New Year’s Eve in War Time
  154. The Discovery
  155. Winter Night in Woodland
  156. The Last Chrysanthemum
  157. On the Portrait of a Woman about to be Hanged
  158. Leipzig
  159. At Castle Boterel
  160. Alike and Unlike
  161. The Levelled Churchyard
  162. The Two Soldiers
  163. A Wife in London
  164. Coming up Oxford Street: Evening
  165. The Church-Builder
  166. The Sergeant’s Song
  167. The Telegram
  168. Faithful Wilson
  169. The Statue of Liberty
  170. Bereft
  171. The Wistful Lady
  172. The Puzzled Game-Birds
  173. Mad Judy
  174. The Musical Box
  175. At A Hasty Wedding
  176. Logs on the Hearth
  177. Lines
  178. A Wife and Another
  179. End of the Year 1912
  180. Before Marching and After
  181. A Hurried Meeting
  182. A Drizzling Easter Morning
  183. When I Set Out for Lyonnesse
  184. The Curate’s Kindness
  185. The Marble-Streeted Town
  186. A Sheep Fair
  187. To a Lady Playing and Singing in the Morning
  188. A Duettist to Her Pianoforte
  189. The Selfsame Song
  190. To Louisa in the Lane
  191. Julie-Jane
  192. According to the Mighty Working
  193. Penance
  194. A Young Man’s Epigram on Existence
  195. On Martock Moor
  196. The Roman Gravemounds
  197. Suspense
  198. The Lost Pyx
  199. The Bride-Night Fire
  200. Yell’ham-Wood’s Story
  201. A Light Snow-Fall after Frost
  202. Molly Gone
  203. A Leaving
  204. Throwing a Tree
  205. Midnight on the Great Western
  206. Imaginings
  207. Dream of the City Shopwoman
  208. A Two-Years’ Idyll
  209. In a Wood
  210. Queen Caroline to Her Guests
  211. He Abjures Love
  212. At a Country Fair
  213. In Time of Wars and Tumults
  214. A Sunday Morning Tragedy
  215. The Announcement
  216. A Countenance
  217. The Fallow Deer at the Lonely House
  218. In a Eweleaze near Weatherbury
  219. At the Piano
  220. The Prospect
  221. How Great My Grief
  222. Mismet
  223. Genoa and the Mediterranean
  224. Donaghadee
  225. God-Forgotten
  226. From Her in the Country
  227. A Private Man on Public Men
  228. The Pity of It
  229. The Spring Call
  230. On Sturminster Foot-Bridge
  231. Christmastide
  232. God’s Funeral
  233. Fragment
  234. At Lulworth Cove a Century Back
  235. The Wound
  236. Looking at a Picture on an Anniversary
  237. By the Earth's Corpse
  238. Not Only I
  239. Her Song
  240. The Roman Road
  241. Song of the Soldier's Wifes
  242. The Ageing House
  243. Where Three Roads Joined
  244. A Woman’s Trust
  245. The Bird-Catcher’s Boy
  246. Summer Schemes
  247. Any Little Old Song
  248. Catullus: XXXI
  249. After the Last Breath
  250. A Wife Comes Back
  251. A Bygone Occasion
  252. The Sailor’s Mother
  253. Xenophanes, the Monist of Colophon
  254. The Glimpse
  255. The Flirt’s Tragedy
  256. A Maiden’s Pledge
  257. Louie
  258. Conjecture
  259. The Sea Fight
  260. In Tenebris III
  261. The Phantom Horsewoman
  262. «And There Was a Great Calm»
  263. During Wind and Rain
  264. At Mayfair Lodgings
  265. The Man Who Forgot
  266. The Little Old Table
  267. In the Small Hours
  268. The Robin
  269. Surview
  270. The Bullfinches
  271. On the Death-Bed
  272. The Wanderer
  273. The Newcomer's Wife
  274. The Tree and the Lady
  275. The Coquette, and After
  276. The Missed Train
  277. Seen by the Waits
  278. The Slow Nature
  279. A Call to National Service
  280. The Man with a Past
  281. The Mound
  282. Nature's Questioning
  283. Jezreel
  284. In Church
  285. Cardinal Bembo’s Epitaph on Raphael
  286. Haunting Fingers
  287. Welcome Home
  288. The Love-Letters
  289. Reminiscences of a Dancing Man
  290. The Year’s Awakening
  291. Great Things
  292. I Am the One
  293. The Lacking Sense
  294. A Procession of Dead Days
  295. The Boy’s Dream
  296. Amabel
  297. At a Seaside Town in 1869
  298. On a Midsummer Eve
  299. The Dissemblers
  300. The Dame of Athelhall
  301. She Hears the Storm
  302. The Whaler’s Wife
  303. The Ivy-Wife
  304. The Schreckhorn
  305. The Last Performance
  306. At the Entering of the New Year
  307. Cross-Currents
  308. At Moonrise and Onwards
  309. Regret Not Me
  310. A Watering-Place Lady Inventoried
  311. To a Motherless Child
  312. Middle-Age Enthusiasms
  313. The Head above the Fog
  314. Cynic’s Epitaph
  315. The Change
  316. What’s There to Tell?
  317. How She Went to Ireland
  318. I Knew a Lady
  319. Shortening Days at the Homestead
  320. In the Garden
  321. The Well-Beloved
  322. Had You Wept
  323. To Shakespeare
  324. Her Immortality
  325. A Thought in Two Moods
  326. St Launce’s Revisited
  327. The Memorial Brass: 186–
  328. At Casterbridge Fair. VI. A Wife Waits
  329. Horses Aboard
  330. Self-Unconscious
  331. On Stinsford Hill at Midnight
  332. To a Well-Named Dwelling
  333. The Respectable Burgher
  334. A Practical Woman
  335. In a Former Resort after Many Years
  336. Her Father
  337. The Mongrel
  338. By the Barrows
  339. Last Words to a Dumb Friend
  340. Last Love-Word
  341. Unrealized
  342. The Marble Tablet
  343. His Heart
  344. The Stranger’s Song
  345. The Mother Mourns
  346. The Lizard
  347. The Clock-Winder
  348. The Master and the Leaves
  349. After Reading Psalms XXXIX, XL, etc
  350. England to Germany in 1914
  351. Her Haunting-Ground
  352. The Faithful Swallow
  353. A Watcher’s Regret
  354. The Last Signal
  355. Honeymoon Time at an Inn
  356. Lausanne
  357. Winter in Durnover Field
  358. The Coronation
  359. Overlooking the River Stour
  360. The Mock Wife
  361. Who’s in the Next Room?
  362. At a House in Hampstead
  363. A Man Was Drawing Near to Me
  364. On the Belgian Expatriation
  365. The Re-Enactment
  366. Why Be at Pains?
  367. That Moment
  368. A Leader of Fashion
  369. While Drawing in a Churchyard
  370. I Looked Up from My Writing
  371. The Dream Is – Which?
  372. Drawing Details in an Old Church
  373. The Moth-Signal
  374. The Dolls
  375. An Appeal to America on Behalf of the Belgian Destitute
  376. The Passer-By
  377. To a Sea-Cliff
  378. Vagrant’s Song
  379. The Sunshade
  380. Fetching Her
  381. In a Whispering Gallery
  382. At an Inn
  383. The Caged Goldfinch
  384. Let Me Believe
  385. As ’Twere To-night
  386. The Dead Quire
  387. Her Death and After
  388. At Casterbridge Fair. V. The Inquiry
  389. Jubilate
  390. A Sound in the Night
  391. At Middle-Field Gate in February
  392. A Bird-Scene at a Rural Dwelling
  393. The Choirmaster's Burial
  394. The Fiddler
  395. Before Life and After
  396. The Ghost of the Past
  397. Freed the Fret of Thinking
  398. She Who Saw Not
  399. An Inquiry
  400. Outside the Window
  401. At Madame Tussaud’s in Victorian Years
  402. The Second Night
  403. The Calf
  404. The Tresses
  405. The Young Glass-Stainer
  406. The Chimes
  407. Snow in the Suburbs
  408. The Whitewashed Wall
  409. The Comet at Yell’ham
  410. He Prefers Her Earthly
  411. Proud Songsters
  412. At a Bridal
  413. The Difference
  414. The Last Time
  415. The Pedigree
  416. Looking Across
  417. He Inadvertently Cures His Love-Pains
  418. The Dear
  419. One Ralph Blossom Soliloquizes
  420. A Night of Questionings
  421. Epitaph for G. K. Chesterton
  422. The Yellow-Hammer
  423. He Fears His Good Fortune
  424. The Dead Man Walking
  425. The Protean Maiden
  426. Shut out that Moon
  427. In Childbed
  428. In the Evening
  429. Why Did I Sketch?
  430. The Maid of Keinton Mandeville
  431. Two Serenades
  432. Outside the Casement
  433. An Evening in Galilee
  434. Panthera
  435. In the Street
  436. Concerning Agnes
  437. To a Tree in London
  438. He Wonders about Himself
  439. The Caged Thrush Freed and Home Again
  440. Family Portraits
  441. The Graveyard of Dead Creeds
  442. At the Royal Academy
  443. She, to Him. 4
  444. Sine Prole
  445. The Church and the Wedding
  446. God’s Education
  447. Her Definition
  448. Just the Same
  449. At Day-Close in November
  450. Wessex Heights
  451. Domicilium
  452. First or Last
  453. Rome: At the Pyramid of Cestius near the Graves of Shelley and Keats
  454. Love the Monopolist
  455. Growth in May
  456. A Second Attempt
  457. Waiting Both
  458. Once at Swanage
  459. We Say We Shall Not Meet
  460. The Background and the Figure
  461. Days to Recollect
  462. A Cathedral Facade at Midnight
  463. The Fading Rose
  464. On the Esplanade
  465. A Wish for Unconsciousness
  466. A Church Romance
  467. The Lament of the Looking-Glass
  468. Everything Comes
  469. Epeisodia
  470. «Sacred to the Memory»
  471. V.R. 1819–1901
  472. Two Lips
  473. The Night of Trafalgár
  474. The Enemy’s Portrait
  475. At a Lunar Eclipse
  476. In the Restaurant
  477. In St Paul’s a While Ago
  478. The Husband’s View
  479. The New Toy
  480. A Spellbound Palace
  481. My Spirit Will Not Haunt the Mound
  482. Chorus of the Pities
  483. The Lady of Forebodings
  484. The Dawn after the Dance
  485. You on the Tower
  486. Side by Side
  487. Men Who March Away
  488. The Sundial on a Wet Day
  489. The Workbox
  490. The Two Wives
  491. In a London Flat
  492. Four in the Morning
  493. An Anniversary
  494. Postponement
  495. Then and Now
  496. In the Mind’s Eye
  497. At the Railway Station, Upway
  498. In a Waiting-Room
  499. To C.F.H.
  500. The Christening
  501. The Nettles
  502. The Chosen
  503. The Inconsistent
  504. Farmer Dunman’s Funeral
  505. A Gentleman’s Epitaph on Himself and a Lady, Who Were Buried Together
  506. In the Marquee
  507. Without, Not Within Her
  508. An Old Likeness
  509. She, to Him. 3
  510. The Widow Betrothed
  511. I Travel as a Phantom Now
  512. Her Late Husband
  513. Faintheart in a Railway Train
  514. A Conversation at Dawn
  515. The Five Students
  516. The Clasped Skeletons
  517. In the Old Theatre, Fiesole
  518. The Pine Planters
  519. After a Journey
  520. Signs and Tokens
  521. A Singer Asleep
  522. A Beauty’s Soliloquy during Her Honeymoon
  523. I Look in Her Face
  524. The Best She Could
  525. The Lodging-House Fuchsias
  526. The Revisitation
  527. At Casterbridge Fair. I. The Ballad-Singer
  528. An Upbraiding
  529. I Worked No Wile to Meet You
  530. A Last Journey
  531. Looking Back
  532. No Bell-Ringing
  533. June Leaves and Autumn
  534. Murmurs in the Gloom
  535. The Duel
  536. Paying Calls
  537. The Echo-Elf Answers
  538. Yuletide in a Younger World
  539. The Dark-Eyed Gentleman
  540. Gallant’s Song
  541. In the Nuptial Chamber
  542. Her Love-Birds
  543. The Problem
  544. The Figure in the Scene
  545. I Said and Sang Her Excellence
  546. The Pedestrian
  547. The War-Wife of Catknoll
  548. Architectural Masks
  549. To Sincerity
  550. Spectres That Grieve
  551. I Looked Back
  552. The Wood Fire
  553. What Did It Mean?
  554. Lonely Days
  555. Her Apotheosis
  556. The New Dawn’s Business
  557. At Casterbridge Fair. IV. The Market-Girl
  558. The Rift
  559. A Self-Glamourer
  560. At Casterbridge Fair. II. Former Beauties
  561. Going and Staying
  562. Under High-Stoy Hill
  563. We Field-Women
  564. Unknowing
  565. Read by Moonlight
  566. A Musical Incident
  567. An Unkindly May
  568. The Colonel’s Soliloquy
  569. The Subalterns
  570. The Beauty
  571. An Autumn Rain-Scene
  572. The Sexton at Longpuddle
  573. The Sun on the Bookcase
  574. An Experience
  575. Vagg Hollow
  576. A Man
  577. Old Furniture
  578. Inscriptions for a Peal of Eight Bells
  579. They Would Not Come
  580. So Various
  581. Voices from Things Growing in a Churchyard
  582. She Revisits Alone the Church of Her Marriage
  583. The Shiver
  584. The Frozen Greenhouse
  585. Aberdeen
  586. The Rival
  587. Best Times
  588. The Monument-Maker
  589. The Last Leaf
  590. The Thing Unplanned
  591. Unkept Good Fridays
  592. The Son’s Portrait
  593. The Dance at the Phœnix
  594. The Moon Looks In
  595. The Flower’s Tragedy
  596. She Opened the Door
  597. In the Seventies
  598. I Rose and Went to Rou’tor Town
  599. The Six Boards
  600. Retty’s Phases
  601. One We Knew
  602. The Clock of the Years
  603. The Opportunity
  604. The Old Workman
  605. In Her Precincts
  606. By Henstridge Cross at the Year’s End
  607. Night-Time in Mid-Fall
  608. The Tree
  609. Before Knowledge
  610. Eunice
  611. The Lady in the Furs
  612. The Whipper-In
  613. In the Vaulted Way
  614. Before My Friend Arrived
  615. Royal Sponsors
  616. Discouragement
  617. Apostrophe to an Old Psalm Tune
  618. She Saw Him, She Said
  619. He Revisits His First School
  620. The Sun’s Last Look on the Country Girl
  621. Lady Vi
  622. In a Cathedral City
  623. The Voice of Things
  624. ‘A Gentleman’s Second-Hand Suit’
  625. Zermatt: To the Matterhorn
  626. On an Invitation to the United States
  627. The House of Silence
  628. The Single Witness
  629. The High-School Lawn
  630. The Torn Letter
  631. A Question of Marriage
  632. The Wedding Morning
  633. The Sleep-Worker
  634. I Say, ‘I’ll Seek Her Side
  635. The Photograph
  636. The Old Neighbour and the New
  637. Lover to Mistress
  638. The Conformers
  639. Boys Then and Now
  640. He Follows Himself
  641. The Peace-Offering
  642. A Young Man’s Exhortation
  643. A Parting-Scene
  644. The Vampirine Fair
  645. In Front of the Landscape
  646. On the Tune Called the Old-Hundred-and-Fourth
  647. Seeing the Moon Rise
  648. Compassion
  649. The Unborn
  650. Geographical Knowledge
  651. A King’s Soliloquy
  652. Seventy-Four and Twenty
  653. A Winsome Woman
  654. It Never Looks Like Summer
  655. A Poet’s Thought
  656. A Philosophical Fantasy
  657. She, to Him. 2
  658. The Bridge of Lodi
  659. A Refusal
  660. The Youth Who Carried a Light
  661. I Was the Midmost
  662. After the Burial
  663. The Two Rosalinds
  664. Song to an Old Burden
  665. On the Way
  666. Singing Lovers
  667. The Pat of Butter
  668. The Milkmaid
  669. At Casterbridge Fair. III. After the Club-Dance
  670. A Daughter Returns
  671. She Charged Me
  672. Expectation and Experience
  673. Her Initials
  674. Evening Shadows
  675. At Casterbridge Fair. VII. After the Fair
  676. Genitrix Laesa
  677. After the War
  678. The Carrier
  679. An Expostulation
  680. You Were the Sort that Men Forget
  681. The Colour
  682. The King’s Experiment
  683. The Hatband
  684. Thoughts at Midnight
  685. The Casual Acquaintance
  686. Intra Sepulchrum
  687. The Blow
  688. In Death Divided
  689. Cry of the Homeless
  690. Moments of Vision
  691. Could I but Will
  692. Friends Beyond
  693. The Self-Unseeing
  694. News for her Mother
  695. A Forgotten Miniature
  696. In the Study
  697. O I Won’t Lead a Homely Life
  698. The Two Men
  699. Four Footprints
  700. First Sight of Her and After
  701. The Two Houses
  702. Why She Moved House
  703. Standing by the Mantelpiece
  704. To Flowers from Italy in Winter
  705. The Spell of the Rose
  706. Silences
  707. The Singing Woman
  708. The History of an Hour
  709. The Superseded
  710. Let Me Enjoy
  711. After a Romantic Day
  712. The Harvest-Supper
  713. Paradox
  714. The New Boots
  715. At the Aquatic Sports
  716. Evelyn G. of Christminster
  717. After the Death of a Friend
  718. The Peasant’s Confession
  719. Mute Opinion
  720. To My Father’s Violin
  721. Life and Death at Sunrise
  722. The Dead Bastard
  723. Squire Hooper
  724. A Necessitarian’s Epitaph
  725. Rome: The Vatican: Sala delle Muse
  726. Before and after Summer
  727. Henley Regatta
  728. Rake-Hell Muses
  729. Circus-Rider to Ringmaster
  730. A Nightmare, and the Next Thing
  731. The Seasons of Her Year
  732. She, I, and They
  733. By the Runic Stone
  734. The Contretemps
  735. The Inscription
  736. Her Reproach
  737. The Turnip-Hoer
  738. Come Not; Yet Come!
  739. Midnight on Beechen
  740. The Tenant-for-Life
  741. Her Confession
  742. Music in a Snowy Street
  743. On the Doorstep
  744. The Ballet
  745. Old Excursions
  746. The Dead and the Living One
  747. Meditations on a Holiday
  748. The Aërolite
  749. The Oxen
  750. At the Dinner-Table
  751. Tragedian to Tragedienne
  752. Every Artemisia
  753. The Fight on Durnover Moor
  754. The Supplanter
  755. An East-End Curate
  756. Sitting on the Bridge
  757. Rome: On the Palatine
  758. At Shag’s Heath
  759. Life Laughs Onward
  760. At Rushy-Pond
  761. The Sheep-Boy
  762. The To-Be-Forgotten
  763. The West-of-Wessex Girl
  764. No Buyers
  765. The Gap in the White
  766. When Dead
  767. The Harbour Bridge
  768. The Milestone by the Rabbit-Burrow
  769. An Ancient to Ancients
  770. Childhood Among the Ferns
  771. The Felled Elm and She
  772. The Sun on the Letter
  773. That Kiss in the Dark
  774. Where They Lived
  775. At the Wicket-Gate
  776. The Curtains Now Are Drawn
  777. The Place on the Map
  778. Transformations
  779. The Chimes Play ‘Life’s a Bumper!’
  780. The Country Wedding
  781. Why Do I?
  782. He Did Not Know Me
  783. Heiress and Architect
  784. The Woman in the Rye
  785. The Occultation
  786. The Strange House
  787. Last Look round St Martin’s Fair
  788. The Rambler
  789. Paths of Former Time
  790. The Forbidden Banns
  791. A Woman Driving
  792. The Pair He Saw Pass
  793. Concerning His Old Home
  794. Song from Heine
  795. Misconception
  796. Budmouth Dears
  797. The Bad Example
  798. The Children and Sir Nameless
  799. The Rover Come Home
  800. The Paphian Ball
  801. After Schiller
  802. Wagtail and Baby
  803. In a Museum
  804. Over the Coffin
  805. Love Watches a Window
  806. A Victorian Rehearsal
  807. The Absolute Explains
  808. John and Jane
  809. Known Had I
  810. Timing Her
  811. The Something that Saved Him
  812. On a Discovered Curl of Hair
  813. There Seemed a Strangeness
  814. The Going
  815. I Found Her Out There
  816. The Wind’s Prophecy
  817. The Prophetess
  818. Song to Aurore
  819. In the Night She Came
  820. Often When Warring
  821. Our Old Friend Dualism
  822. At a Pause in a Country Dance
  823. The Upper Birch-Leaves
  824. The Shadow on the Stone
  825. Nobody Comes
  826. The Caricature
  827. The Voice of the Thorn
  828. Not Known
  829. The Old Gown
  830. If You Had Known
  831. At a Fashionable Dinner
  832. For Life I Had Never Cared Greatly
  833. The Collector Cleans His Picture
  834. The Weary Walker
  835. San Sebastian
  836. Joys of Memory
  837. The Pink Frock
  838. The Child and the Sage
  839. Premonitions
  840. Lying Awake
  841. To an Impersonator of Rosalind
  842. The Rash Bride
  843. Nothing Matters Much
  844. The Interloper
  845. They Are Great Trees
  846. I Rose Up as My Custom Is
  847. I Thought, My Heart
  848. On a Heath
  849. At the Altar-Rail
  850. The Three Tall Men
  851. Thoughts of Phena
  852. In Tenebris I
  853. The Blinded Bird
  854. The Seven Times
  855. Reluctant Confession
  856. The Bedridden Peasant
  857. Long Plighted
  858. To an Actress
  859. The Rejected Member’s Wife
  860. Plena Timoris
  861. At the Word ‘Farewell’
  862. The Young Churchwarden
  863. On One Who Lived and Died Where He Was Born
  864. The Night of the Dance
  865. Rose-Ann
  866. The Faded Face
  867. When Oats Were Reaped
  868. The Peace Peal
  869. Revulsion
  870. At Waking
  871. To Carrey Clavel
  872. The Orphaned Old Maid
  873. Ten Years Since
  874. So, Time
  875. Her Temple
  876. Afternoon Service at Mellstock
  877. Copying Architecture in an Old Minster
  878. Saying Good-bye
  879. Her Second Husband Hears Her Story
  880. Burning the Holly
  881. The Month’s Calendar
  882. The Second Visit
  883. Barthelemon at Vauxhall
  884. The End of the Episode

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