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Poem by Thomas Hardy

Tragedian to Tragedienne

Shall I leave you behind me
When I play
In earnest what we’ve played in mock to-day?

Why, yes; most surely shall I
Leave you behind
In yet full orbit, when my years upwind.

I may creep off in the night-time,
And none know
Till comes the morning, bringing news ’tis so.

Will you then turn for a moment
White or red,
Recall those spells of ours; things done, things said?

Aye, those adventurous doings
And those days
Of stress, when I’d the blame and you the praise?

Still you will meet adventure –
None knows what –
Still you will go on changing: I shall not.

Still take a call at the mummings
Daily or nightly,
Yielding to custom, calmly, gloomily, brightly.

Last, you will flag, and finish
Your masquings too:
Yes: end them: I not there to succour you.

Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy's other poems:
  1. The End of the Episode
  2. Barthelemon at Vauxhall
  3. The Month’s Calendar
  4. The Second Visit
  5. Revulsion

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