Thomas Gent (1693-1778)

The Rating of Thomas Gent's Poems - Morning
- Shakespeare
- To Hope
- Stanzas
- Love
- Address to Albion
- Rosa's Grave
- On the Death of Charlotte Smith
- Come, Jenny, Let Me Sip the Dew
- To My Spaniel Fanny
- Prometheus
- The Recall of the Hero
- The Heliotrope
- The Chain-Pier, Brighton
- Written to the Lady of Dr. George Birkbeck
- On a Delightful Drawing in my Album
- Invocation to Sleep
- Widowed Love
- On the Portrait of the Son of J.G. Lambton, Esq
- Written on the Death of General Washington
- Written in the Album of the Lady of Counsellor D. Pollock
- The Grave of Dibdin
- A Sketch from Life
- The Sibyl
- Mature Reflections
- Impromptu
- Written on Seeing the Children of the Naval Asylum
- Sonnet On seeing a Young Lady I had previously known, confined in a Madhouse
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