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William Lisle Bowles (1762-1850)
William Lisle Bowles (Óèëüÿì Ëàéë Áîóëç)

The Rating of William Lisle Bowles's Poems

  1. Winter Evening at Home
  2. Approach of Summer
  3. Music
  4. Summer Evening at Home
  5. Sonnet 6. Evening
  6. Absence
  7. Sonnet 8. To the River Itchin, near Winton
  8. The Butterfly and the Bee
  9. Oxford Revisited
  10. Dirge of Nelson
  11. A Garden-Seat at Home
  12. To a Friend
  13. To Sir Walter Scott
  14. Retrospection
  15. Southampton Water
  16. Wardour Castle
  17. Death of Captain Cooke
  18. On Landing at Ostend
  19. The Harp, and Despair, of Cowper
  20. Hymn to Woden
  21. Bereavement
  22. The Blind Man of Salisbury Cathedral
  23. The Last Song of Camoens
  24. On Leaving Winchester School
  25. Return of George the Third to Windsor Castle
  26. Sonnet 12. Written at a Convent
  27. Restoration of Malmesbury Abbey
  28. On Mr. Howard's Account of Lazarettos
  29. Southampton Castle
  30. On the Funeral of Charles the First at Night, in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor
  31. Coombe-Ellen
  32. Elegy Written at the Hot-Wells, Bristol
  33. Salisbury Cathedral
  34. A Rustic Seat near the Sea
  35. Sonnet 3. O thou, whose stern command and precepts pure
  36. Sonnet 4. To the River Wainsbeck
  37. Elegiac Stanzas
  38. Lockswell
  39. In Age
  40. On an Unfortunate and Beautiful Woman
  41. St. Michael’s Mount
  42. Lacock Nunnery
  43. Bamborough Castle
  44. The Bridge between Clifton and Leigh Woods
  45. Sonnet 10. On Dover Cliffs
  46. The Ancient Caleva
  47. Woodspring Abbey
  48. To the River Cherwell, Oxford
  49. Monody Written at Matlock
  50. Picture of an Old Man
  51. Sonnet 5. To the River Tweed
  52. Avenue in Savernake Forest
  53. Sonnet 13. O Time!
  54. At Malvern
  55. Glastonbury Abbey and Wells Cathedral
  56. Sonnet 2. Written at Bamborough Castle
  57. Fonthill Abbey
  58. Netley Abbey
  59. Cadland, Southampton River
  60. Greenwich Hospital
  61. In Youth
  62. Sonnet 9. O Poverty!
  63. Banwell Hill
  64. Sonnet 7. At a Village in Scotland
  65. Sonnet 11. Written at Ostend
  66. Sonnet 1. As slow I climb the cliff's ascending side
  67. Sonnet 14. On a Distant View of England

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