William Lisle Bowles (1762-1850)
The Rating of William Lisle Bowles's Poems - Winter Evening at Home
- Approach of Summer
- Music
- Summer Evening at Home
- Sonnet 6. Evening
- Absence
- Sonnet 8. To the River Itchin, near Winton
- The Butterfly and the Bee
- Oxford Revisited
- Dirge of Nelson
- A Garden-Seat at Home
- To a Friend
- To Sir Walter Scott
- Retrospection
- Southampton Water
- Wardour Castle
- Death of Captain Cooke
- On Landing at Ostend
- The Harp, and Despair, of Cowper
- Hymn to Woden
- Bereavement
- The Blind Man of Salisbury Cathedral
- The Last Song of Camoens
- On Leaving Winchester School
- Return of George the Third to Windsor Castle
- Sonnet 12. Written at a Convent
- Restoration of Malmesbury Abbey
- On Mr. Howard's Account of Lazarettos
- Southampton Castle
- On the Funeral of Charles the First at Night, in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor
- Coombe-Ellen
- Elegy Written at the Hot-Wells, Bristol
- Salisbury Cathedral
- A Rustic Seat near the Sea
- Sonnet 3. O thou, whose stern command and precepts pure
- Sonnet 4. To the River Wainsbeck
- Elegiac Stanzas
- Lockswell
- In Age
- On an Unfortunate and Beautiful Woman
- St. Michael’s Mount
- Lacock Nunnery
- Bamborough Castle
- The Bridge between Clifton and Leigh Woods
- Sonnet 10. On Dover Cliffs
- The Ancient Caleva
- Woodspring Abbey
- To the River Cherwell, Oxford
- Monody Written at Matlock
- Picture of an Old Man
- Sonnet 5. To the River Tweed
- Avenue in Savernake Forest
- Sonnet 13. O Time!
- At Malvern
- Glastonbury Abbey and Wells Cathedral
- Sonnet 2. Written at Bamborough Castle
- Fonthill Abbey
- Netley Abbey
- Cadland, Southampton River
- Greenwich Hospital
- In Youth
- Sonnet 9. O Poverty!
- Banwell Hill
- Sonnet 7. At a Village in Scotland
- Sonnet 11. Written at Ostend
- Sonnet 1. As slow I climb the cliff's ascending side
- Sonnet 14. On a Distant View of England
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