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Poem by William Lisle Bowles

Sonnet 4. To the River Wainsbeck

WHILE slowly wanders thy sequestered stream,
Wainsbeck! the mossy-scattered rocks among,
In fancy’s ear still making plaintive song
To the dark woods above, that waving seem
To bend o’er some enchanted spot; removed
From life’s vain coil, I listen to the wind,
And think I hear meek Sorrow’s plaint, reclined
O’er the forsaken tomb of one she loved!—
Fair scenes! ye lend a pleasure, long unknown,
To him who passes weary on his way—
The farewell tear, which now he turns to pay,
Shall thank you;—and whene’er of pleasures flown
His heart some long-lost image would renew,
Delightful haunts! he will remember you.

William Lisle Bowles

Poem Theme: Rivers

William Lisle Bowles's other poems:
  1. Sonnet 14. On a Distant View of England
  2. Sonnet 1. As slow I climb the cliff's ascending side
  3. Sonnet 11. Written at Ostend
  4. Sonnet 7. At a Village in Scotland
  5. Banwell Hill

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