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Robert Seymour Bridges (1844-1930)
Robert Seymour Bridges (Ðîáåðò Ñåéìóð Áðèäæåñ)

The Rating of Robert Seymour Bridges's Poems

  1. Winter Nightfall
  2. Shorter Poems. Book V. 16. North Wind in October
  3. Absence
  4. Shorter Poems. Book V. 12. Nightingales
  5. I Love All Beauteous Things
  6. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 18. “Angel Spirits of Sleep”
  7. Shorter Poems. Book III. 15. “Awake, My Heart”
  8. My Delight and Thy Delight
  9. For Beauty Being the Best of All We Know
  10. Shorter Poems. Book III. 18. “The Evening Darkens Over”
  11. Shorter Poems. Book V. 5. “So Sweet Love Seemed That April Morn”
  12. Shorter Poems. Book I. 1. Elegy (Clear and gentle stream!)
  13. Eros
  14. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 12. “The Hill Pines Were Sighing”
  15. Emily Bronte
  16. While Yet We Wait for Spring
  17. To Joseph Joachim
  18. Shorter Poems. Book V. 9. January
  19. Shorter Poems. Book I. 8. “I Found To-day out Walking”
  20. Low Barometer
  21. To Catullus
  22. A Robin
  23. Shorter Poems. Book I. 3. “Poor Withered Rose and Dry”
  24. Shorter Poems. Book I. 10. “Sometimes When My Lady Sits by Me”
  25. Pater Filio
  26. In Autumn Moonlight, When the White Air Wan
  27. Shorter Poems. Book V. 7. The Palm Willow
  28. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 15. “The Pinks along My Garden Walks”
  29. Shorter Poems. Book I. 4. “The Cliff-Top Has a Carpet”
  30. Shorter Poems. Book I. 2. Elegy (The wood is bare)
  31. Shorter Poems. Book I. 9. “A Poppy Grows upon the Shore”
  32. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 27. “The Snow Lies Sprinkled on the Beach”
  33. Shorter Poems. Book V. 13. “A Song of My Heart, as the Sun Peered o’er the Sea”
  34. Shorter Poems. Book III. 2. London Snow
  35. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 28. “My Spirit Kisseth Thine”
  36. Shorter Poems. Book I. 16. Triolet (When first we met we did not guess)
  37. Shorter Poems. Book III. 10. “My Bed and Pillow Are Cold”
  38. Shorter Poems. Book I. 14. Elegy on a Lady, Whom Grief for the Death of Her Betrothed Killed
  39. Shorter Poems. Book II. 2. A Passer-By
  40. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 13. The Windmill
  41. Shorter Poems. Book III. 3. The Voice of Nature
  42. Shorter Poems. Book I. 15. Rondeau
  43. Shorter Poems. Book II. 5. “There Is a Hill Beside the Silver Thames”
  44. Shorter Poems. Book III. 8. “I Praise the Tender Flower”
  45. Shorter Poems. Book I. 11. “Long Are the Hours the Sun Is Above”
  46. Shorter Poems. Book III. 7. Indolence
  47. Shorter Poems. Book II. 11. Dejection
  48. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 9. “My Eyes for Beauty Pine”
  49. Shorter Poems. Book I. 7. “I Will Not Let Thee Go”
  50. Shorter Poems. Book I. 5. “I Heard a Linnet Courting”
  51. Shorter Poems. Book II. 12. Morning Hymn
  52. Shorter Poems. Book III. 16. Song (I love my lady’s eyes)
  53. Shorter Poems. Book II. 6. A Water-Party
  54. Shorter Poems. Book II. 13. “I Have Loved Flowers That Fade”
  55. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 21. “The Birds That Sing on Autumn Eves”
  56. Shorter Poems. Book II. 7. The Downs
  57. Shorter Poems. Book I. 12. “Who Has Not Walked upon the Shore”
  58. Shorter Poems. Book III. 5. The Philosopher to His Mistress
  59. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 3. “The Upper Skies Are Palest Blue”
  60. Shorter Poems. Book III. 14. “The Full Moon Her Cloudless Skies”
  61. Shorter Poems. Book II. 1. “Will Love Again Awake”
  62. Shorter Poems. Book III. 13. “Joy, Sweetest Lifeborn Joy, Where Dost Thou Dwell?”
  63. Shorter Poems. Book III. 1. “O My Vague Desires!”
  64. Shorter Poems. Book II. 3. Late Spring Evening
  65. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 6. April, 1885
  66. Shorter Poems. Book I. 6. “Dear Lady, When Thou Frownest”
  67. Shorter Poems. Book V. 1. The Winnowers
  68. Shorter Poems. Book I. 13. “I Made Another Song”
  69. Shorter Poems. Book I. 17. Triolet (All women born are so perverse)
  70. Shorter Poems. Book II. 8. Spring. Ode I
  71. Shorter Poems. Book IV. 25. “Say Who Is This with Silvered Hair”
  72. Shorter Poems. Book II. 4. Wooing

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