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Poem by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne

The Heiress

Gaelic Air — "Mo Leannan Faluich."

I'll no be had for naething,
I'll no be had for naething,
I tell ye, lads, that's ae thing,
So ye needna follow me.

Oh! the change is most surprising;
Last year I was plain Betty Brown;
Now to my hand they're a' aspiring,
The fair Eliza I am grown!

But I'll no be had for naething,
I'll no be had for naething,
I tell ye, lads, that's ae thing,
So ye needna follow me.

Oh! the change is most surprising,—
Nane o' them e'er look'd at me;
Now my charms they're a' admiring,
For my sake they're like to dee!

But I'll no be had for naething,
I'll no be had for naething,
I tell ye, lads, that's ae thing,
So ye needna follow me.

The laird, the shirra, and the doctor,
And twa-three lords o' high degree;
Wi' heaps o' writers I could mention,
Surely, sirs, it is no me!

But I'll no be had for naething,
I'll no be had for naething,
I tell ye, lads, that's ae thing,
So ye needna follow me.

But there is ane, when I had naething,
A' his heart he gied to me;
And sair he toiled, to mak' a wee thing,
To gi'e me when he cam frae sea.

Sae I'll no be had for naething,
I'll no be had for naething,
I tell ye, lads, that's ae thing,
So ye needna follow me.

And if e'er I marry ony,
He will be the lad for me;
For, oh, he was baith gude and bonny,
And he thocht the same o' me.

Sae I'll no be had for naething,
I'll no be had for naething,
I tell ye, lads, that's ae thing,
So ye needna follow me.

Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne

Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne's other poems:
  1. Songs of My Native Land
  2. Rest Is Not Here
  3. My Bonnie Hieland Laddie
  4. Hey the Rantin' Murray's Ha'
  5. Fareweel, O Fareweel!

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