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Poem by John Lapraik

An Empty Pocket Easily Known


Man wi’ his pocket so conceited,
He sympathises and ‘s affected;
If emptiness is but suspected,
		‘Tis plainly seen,
He looks like one who’s much neglected,
		When’s pocket’s toom;


His spirits often rise and fall;
They’re subject just to pocket’s call:
His neighbours know, as well’s himsel,
		His current cash:
‘Tis known by ‘s being flat or dull,
		Or spirits flush.


When that his pockets are quite drain’d,
He’s flat, he’s dull, and much asham’d;
His vital pow’rs appear all maim’d,
		Baith word an’ action:
He looks like one that’s self condemn’d,
		Void o’ protection.


The very muscles o’ his face
Are lines that one may read apace;
So that one’s at no loss to guess
		His present state,
Whether his pocket’s full o’ cash,
		Or empty yet.

John Lapraik

John Lapraik's other poems:
  1. The Devil’s Answer to the Poet’s Address
  2. Epistle to R****t B***s
  3. When I Upon Thy Bosom Lean…
  4. Harvest
  5. Summer

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