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Ðåéòèíã ïîýòîâÐåéòèíã ñòèõîòâîðåíèé

Óèëüÿì Áàðíñ (William Barnes) (1801-1886)
Óèëüÿì Áàðíñ (William Barnes)

Ðåéòèíã ïîïóëÿðíîñòè ñòèõîòâîðåíèé ïîýòà íà ñàéòå Àíãëèéñêàÿ ïîýçèÿ
  1. First Collection. Spring. The Spring
  2. First Collection. Spring. May
  3. Second Collection. Blackmwore Maïdens
  4. First Collection. Spring. The Blackbird
  5. Third Collection. In the Spring
  6. Third Collection. The Broken Heart
  7. Mater Dolorosa
  8. The Surprise
  9. Third Collection. The Year-clock
  10. Second Collection. Spring
  11. First Collection. Spring. Easter Zunday
  12. Third Collection. Woak Hill
  13. Second Collection. My Orcha’d in Lindèn Lea
  14. Third Collection. Zummer An' Winter
  15. First Collection. Spring. The Girt Woak Tree that's in the Dell
  16. First Collection. Summer. Haÿ-Carrèn
  17. Third Collection. Vull a Man
  18. First Collection. Winter. Lullaby
  19. The Geate A-Vallen To
  20. Second Collection. The Young that died in Beauty
  21. First Collection. Spring. The White Road up athirt the Hill
  22. First Collection. Spring. Evenén in the Village
  23. First Collection. Fall. A Zong ov Harvest Hwome
  24. My Fore-Elders
  25. First Collection. Summer. The Brook that Ran by Gramfer’s
  26. The Fall
  27. First Collection. Winter. Grammer’s Shoes
  28. First Collection. Fall. Martin’s Tide
  29. First Collection. Winter. Zunsheen in the Winter
  30. First Collection. Summer. The Best Man in the Vield
  31. Third Collection. Woone Smile Mwore
  32. First Collection. Fall. Out a-Nuttèn
  33. First Collection. Fall. Poll’s Jack-Daw
  34. First Collection. Spring. Jenny’s Ribbons
  35. First Collection. Spring. Hope in Spring
  36. First Collection. Fall. Harvest Hwome:— Second Peärt
  37. First Collection. Fall. Guy Faux’s Night
  38. First Collection. Spring. The Woody Hollow
  39. First Collection. Winter. In the Stillness o’ the Night
  40. First Collection. Spring. Dock-Leaves
  41. First Collection. Fall. Harvest Hwome:— The vu’st Peärt
  42. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. A Good Father
  43. First Collection. Spring. Leädy-Day, an’ Riddèn House
  44. First Collection. Summer. Jeäne’s Weddèn Day in Mornèn
  45. First Collection. Fall. Grenley Water
  46. The Peasant's Return
  47. First Collection. Spring. The Milk-Maïd o’ the Farm
  48. First Collection. Winter. What Dick an’ I did
  49. Second Collection. The Motherless Child
  50. First Collection. Winter. The Happy Days when I wer Young
  51. First Collection. Winter. Zittèn out the Wold Year
  52. First Collection. Fall. The Ivy
  53. Second Collection. Our abode in Arby Wood
  54. Second Collection. The Winter’s Willow
  55. First Collection. Spring. The ’Lotments
  56. First Collection. Spring. The Woodlands
  57. Third Collection. Racketèn Joe
  58. Third Collection. Tokens
  59. First Collection. Spring. Woodcom’ Feäst
  60. First Collection. Summer. The Shepherd o’ the Farm
  61. First Collection. Summer. Rivers don’t gi’e out
  62. First Collection. Summer. The Clote
  63. First Collection. Fall. Two Farms in Woone
  64. First Collection. Summer. Thatchèn o’ the Rick
  65. Second Collection. The Waterspring in the Leäne
  66. First Collection. Summer. Sleep did come wi’ the Dew
  67. First Collection. Fall. The Common a-took in
  68. Second Collection. The Raïlroad (An’ while I went ’ithin a traïn)
  69. First Collection. Spring. Bob the Fiddler
  70. First Collection. Summer. Vields in the Light
  71. First Collection. Summer. The Evenèn Star o’ Zummer
  72. First Collection. Fall. Corn a-turnèn Yollow
  73. First Collection. Fall. Teäkèn in Apples
  74. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Nanny’s Cow
  75. Second Collection. A Father out an’ Mother Hwome
  76. First Collection. Summer. Evenèn, an’ Maïdens out at Door
  77. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Shep’erd Bwoy
  78. First Collection. Spring. Easter Monday
  79. First Collection. Summer. Havèn Woones Fortune a-twold
  80. First Collection. Winter. The Weepèn Leädy
  81. First Collection. Spring. A Bit o’ Sly Coortèn
  82. First Collection. Summer. Be’mi’ster
  83. First Collection. Summer. Readèn ov a Head-stwone
  84. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Drèven o’ the Common
  85. First Collection. Summer. Meäken up a Miff
  86. First Collection. Fall. Shrodon Feäir:— The rest o’t
  87. First Collection. Summer. Haÿ-Meäken
  88. First Collection. Summer. The Veäiries
  89. First Collection. Fall. Meäple Leaves be Yollow
  90. First Collection. Winter. Woak wer Good Enough Woonce
  91. First Collection. Fall. The Veäiry Veet that I do meet
  92. First Collection. Summer. Bees a-Zwarmèn
  93. First Collection. Winter. Father Come Hwome
  94. First Collection. Summer. Where we did keep our Flagon
  95. First Collection. Summer. I got two Vields
  96. Second Collection. The Bachelor
  97. First Collection. Fall. Night a-zettèn in
  98. Second Collection. Jessie Lee
  99. Third Collection. John jealous
  100. First Collection. Spring. Vellèn o’ the Tree
  101. First Collection. Summer. The Sky a-cleärèn
  102. First Collection. Fall. The Welshnut Tree
  103. First Collection. Fall. Mornèn
  104. Second Collection. Ellen Brine ov Allenburn
  105. Third Collection. Zunday
  106. First Collection. Summer. Polly be-èn upzides wi’ Tom
  107. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Maïd vor my Bride
  108. First Collection. Spring. Evenèn Twilight
  109. First Collection. Fall. Jenny out vrom Hwome
  110. First Collection. Fall. Shrodon Feäir:— The vu’st Peärt
  111. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Church an’ Happy Zunday
  112. Second Collection. Our Fathers’ Works
  113. Third Collection. Oben Vields
  114. First Collection. Spring. Bringèn Woone Gwaïn o’ Zundays
  115. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Jeäne
  116. Third Collection. The Love Child
  117. Second Collection. A Wife a-praïs’d
  118. First Collection. Summer. Whitsuntide an’ Club Walkèn
  119. First Collection. Summer. Uncle an’ Aunt
  120. Second Collection. My Love’s Guardian Angel
  121. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. A Zong
  122. Second Collection. The Maïd o’ Newton
  123. First Collection. Summer. Woodley
  124. First Collection. Summer. Zummer Evenèn Dance
  125. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. A Wold Friend
  126. Second Collection. The Stwonèn Bwoy upon the Pillar
  127. Third Collection. The Child an’ the Mowers
  128. Second Collection. Ivy Hall
  129. First Collection. Fall. A-Haulèn o’ the Corn
  130. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. A Witch
  131. First Collection. Summer. The Meäd a-mow’d
  132. Third Collection. Naighbour Plaÿmeätes
  133. Third Collection. Grief an’ Gladness
  134. First Collection. Fall. The Weather-beäten Tree
  135. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Looks a-know’d Avore
  136. Third Collection. Heedless o’ my love
  137. Third Collection. The Beäten Path
  138. Third Collection. Turnèn things off
  139. Second Collection. Gruffmoody Grim
  140. First Collection. Summer. Sweet Music in the Wind
  141. Second Collection. Faïr Emily of Yarrow Mill
  142. Third Collection. Two an’ Two
  143. Second Collection. Fifehead
  144. Third Collection. Don’t ceäre
  145. Second Collection. Gammony Gaÿ
  146. First Collection. Winter. A Bit o’ Fun
  147. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Music o’ the Dead
  148. Second Collection. The Vier-zide
  149. Second Collection. The Wold Wall
  150. Second Collection. A Pleäce in Zight
  151. Second Collection. False Friends-like
  152. Second Collection. Herrènston
  153. Second Collection. Out at Plough
  154. First Collection. Winter. Meäry-Ann’s Child
  155. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Hope a-left Behind
  156. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Guide Post
  157. Third Collection. A Snowy Night
  158. Third Collection. The Pillar’d Geäte
  159. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Rwose that Deck’d her Breast
  160. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Beam in Grenley Church
  161. Second Collection. Knowlwood
  162. Second Collection. Wold Friends a-met
  163. Third Collection. A Do’set Sale
  164. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Pleäce a Teäle’s a-twold o’
  165. Second Collection. The Lovely Maïd ov Elwell Meäd
  166. Second Collection. Culver Dell and the Squire
  167. Second Collection. The Poplars
  168. Second Collection. Riddles
  169. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Vaïces that be Gone
  170. Second Collection. Bishop’s Caundle
  171. Second Collection. Gwaïn down the Steps
  172. Third Collection. The Rwose in the Dark
  173. Third Collection. Daniel Dwithen
  174. Third Collection. The Castle Ruins
  175. Second Collection. The Leäne
  176. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Wold Waggon
  177. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Jeäne o’ Grenley Mill
  178. Third Collection. The Two Churches
  179. Third Collection. Things do Come Round
  180. Second Collection. Happiness
  181. Second Collection. The Sparrow Club
  182. Second Collection. Leeburn Mill
  183. First Collection. Winter. The Settle an’ the Girt Wood Vire
  184. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Hwomestead
  185. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Gwain to Feäir
  186. Third Collection. The Lark
  187. Second Collection. Mindèn House
  188. Third Collection. The Do’set Militia
  189. Third Collection. Times o’ Year
  190. Second Collection. The Thorns in the Geäte
  191. Second Collection. The Pleäce our own ageän
  192. Second Collection. The Heäre
  193. Third Collection. The Turnstile
  194. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Uncle out o’ Debt an’ out o’ Danger
  195. Second Collection. Fatherhood
  196. Third Collection. Pickèn o’ Scroff
  197. Second Collection. The Window freämed wi’ Stwone
  198. Third Collection. Beauty Undecked
  199. Second Collection. Brookwell
  200. First Collection. Summer. Week’s End in Zummer, in the Wold Vo’k’s Time
  201. First Collection. Winter. The Carter
  202. First Collection. Winter. A Ghost
  203. Third Collection. The Humstrum
  204. Second Collection. Our Be’thplace
  205. Second Collection. The Lilac
  206. Third Collection. Come an’ zee us
  207. Second Collection. The Shy Man
  208. Third Collection. The Fancy Feäir at Maïden Newton
  209. Second Collection. True Love
  210. First Collection. Winter. Fanny’s Be’th-day
  211. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Farmer’s Sons
  212. Second Collection. Hay Meäken—Nunchen Time
  213. Third Collection. Me’th below the Tree
  214. Third Collection. Linda Deäne
  215. Second Collection. John Bleäke at Hwome
  216. Third Collection. Come
  217. Third Collection. Hawthorn Down
  218. Third Collection. To Me
  219. Third Collection. Zummer Thoughts in Winter Time
  220. Second Collection. Good Meäster Collins
  221. Third Collection. The Echo
  222. Second Collection. Meäry Wedded
  223. Third Collection. Kindness
  224. Second Collection. The Zummer Hedge
  225. Second Collection. The Blackbird
  226. Second Collection. The Lydlinch Bells
  227. Third Collection. Lindenore
  228. Third Collection. The Wind in the Woone’s Feäce
  229. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Farmer’s Woldest Dā’ter
  230. First Collection. Winter. Chris’mas Invitation
  231. Third Collection. Vields by Watervalls
  232. Third Collection. The Zilver-weed
  233. Third Collection. The New House a-gettèn Wold
  234. Third Collection. Nanny’s new Abode
  235. Third Collection. Fall
  236. Third Collection. Not goo Hwome To-night
  237. Second Collection. The Wife a-lost
  238. Second Collection. Woone Rule
  239. Second Collection. Dobbin Dead
  240. First Collection. Winter. Keepèn up o’ Chris’mas
  241. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Stwonèn Pworch
  242. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Dree Woaks
  243. Third Collection. Early Plaÿmeäte
  244. Second Collection. When Birds be Still
  245. Third Collection. The Giants in Treädes
  246. Second Collection. Zelling woone’s Honey
  247. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Common a-took in
  248. Third Collection. Ruth a-ridèn
  249. Third Collection. Childern’s Childern
  250. Third Collection. Zummer Winds
  251. Third Collection. The Child’s Greäve
  252. Third Collection. Slidèn
  253. Second Collection. The Turn o’ the Days
  254. Second Collection. Nanny Gill
  255. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Hwomestead a-vell into Hand
  256. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Times
  257. Third Collection. The Hollow Woak
  258. Second Collection. Zun-zet
  259. Second Collection. The Raïlroad (I took a flight, awhile agoo)
  260. Third Collection. Fancy
  261. Third Collection. Blessens a-left
  262. Second Collection. Sound o’ Water
  263. Third Collection. Withstanders
  264. Second Collection. Angels by the Door
  265. Second Collection. The Bwoat
  266. Second Collection. John an’ Thomas
  267. Third Collection. John Bloom in Lon’on
  268. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Girt Wold House o’ Mossy Stwone
  269. Third Collection. Grammer a-crippled
  270. Second Collection. Bleäke’s House
  271. Second Collection. Milkèn Time
  272. Third Collection. Evenèn Light
  273. Third Collection. Changes
  274. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Poll
  275. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Bells ov Alderburnham
  276. Second Collection. The Linden on the Lawn
  277. Second Collection. Gwaïn to Brookwell
  278. Second Collection. Married Peäir’s Love-walk
  279. Second Collection. The Leädy’s Tower
  280. Second Collection. The Wold vo’k Dead
  281. Second Collection. I know Who
  282. Third Collection. I’m out o’ Door
  283. Third Collection. My love is good
  284. Second Collection. Vo’k a-comèn into Church
  285. Second Collection. The Meäd in June
  286. Third Collection. The Better vor zeèn o’ you
  287. First Collection. Winter. The Vrost
  288. Second Collection. Hallowed Pleäces
  289. Second Collection. Thissledown
  290. Third Collection. What John wer a-tellèn
  291. Second Collection. The Stage Coach
  292. Second Collection. Wayfeärèn
  293. Third Collection. The Wheel Routs
  294. Third Collection. Leaves a-vallèn
  295. Third Collection. The Widow’s House
  296. Third Collection. Went vrom Hwome
  297. Second Collection. The Beän-vield
  298. Third Collection. Lwonesomeness
  299. Second Collection. Early risén
  300. Third Collection. Bad News
  301. Second Collection. Praise o’ Do’set
  302. Third Collection. Zummer Stream
  303. Second Collection. Meäry’s Smile
  304. Third Collection. Good Night
  305. Second Collection. The Scud
  306. Second Collection. Ridèn Hwome at Night
  307. Third Collection. The Lew o’ the Rick
  308. Second Collection. Seats
  309. Third Collection. Lizzie
  310. Second Collection. Trees be Company
  311. Second Collection. Wheat
  312. Third Collection. Pity
  313. Second Collection. Day’s Work a-done
  314. Second Collection. The Waggon a-stooded
  315. Third Collection. The Neäme Letters
  316. Third Collection. Went Hwome
  317. Third Collection. Fall Time
  318. Second Collection. Slow to come, quick agone
  319. Third Collection. The Hedger
  320. Second Collection. The Water Crowvoot
  321. Second Collection. Pentridge by the River
  322. Second Collection. Moonlight on the Door
  323. Third Collection. A Lot o’ Maïdens
  324. First Collection. Sundry Pieces. Aunt’s Tantrums
  325. Third Collection. Comen Hwome
  326. Third Collection. Treat well you Wife
  327. Second Collection. Childhood
  328. Third Collection. Sheädes
  329. Second Collection. The Slantèn light o’ Fall
  330. Third Collection. The Little Worold
  331. Second Collection. Light or Sheäde
  332. Third Collection. Tweil
  333. Second Collection. The May-tree
  334. Third Collection. Shaftesbury Feäir

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