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Джон Ньютон (John Newton) (1725-1807)
Джон Ньютон (John Newton)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Amazing Grace
  2. Bitter and Sweet
  3. Cain and Abel
  4. The World
  5. Saturday Evening
  6. Woman of Canaan
  7. A Sick Soul
  8. At the Close of the Year
  9. Waiting for Spring
  10. Harvest
  11. A Brand Plucked out of the Fire
  12. What Think Ye of Christ?
  13. On Dreaming
  14. The Good Samaritan
  15. True and False Zeal
  16. Peter Released from Prison
  17. Though Troubles Assail
  18. Martha and Mary
  19. Peter Walking upon the Water
  20. A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than a Brother
  21. Weeping Mary
  22. Vanity of the Creature Sanctified
  23. Laodicea
  24. He Led Them by a Right Way
  25. Looking unto Jesus
  26. The Little Book
  27. Balaam's Wish
  28. The Change
  29. Adam
  30. Queen of Sheba
  31. Lovest Thou Me?
  32. Esau
  33. The Two Debtors
  34. Sampson's Lion
  35. Joseph Made Known to His Brethren
  36. Dagon before the Ark
  37. When Jesus Claims the Sinner’s Heart
  38. The Book of Creation
  39. Elijah Fed by Ravens
  40. Jacob's Ladder
  41. Prayer Answered by Crosses
  42. Paul's Voyage
  43. What Shall I Render
  44. Ephesus
  45. The Pool of Bethesda
  46. My Name Is Jacob
  47. Hay-time
  48. Naaman
  49. Lot in Sodom
  50. Zion, or the City of God
  51. Oh That I Were As In Months Past!
  52. Now May He Who from the Dead
  53. The Great Tribunal
  54. Joy and Peace in Believing
  55. Dwelling in Mesech
  56. In Evil Long I Took Delight
  57. Praise for the Incarnation
  58. Will Ye Also Go Away?
  59. On One Stone Shall Be Seven Eyes
  60. The Day of Judgement
  61. Pleading for Mercy
  62. Ebenezer
  63. The Two Malefactors
  64. Gideon's Fleece
  65. Manna to Israel Well Supplied
  66. Look unto Me, and Be Ye Saved
  67. Quiet, Lord, My Froward Heart
  68. But One Loaf
  69. David's Fall
  70. Father Forgive Them
  71. More With Us Than with Them
  72. They Shall Be Mine, Saith the Lord
  73. Manna Hoarded
  74. Time How Short
  75. How Lost Was My Condition
  76. The Disciples at Sea
  77. The Beggar
  78. Belshazzar
  79. Humbled and Silenced by Mercy
  80. The Hiding Place
  81. The Believer's Danger, Safety, and Duty
  82. Earthly Prospects Deceitful
  83. When Hannah Pressed with Grief
  84. Salvation Drawing Nearer
  85. That Rock Was Christ

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